Home > Administration > Campaign settings > Campaigns > Assigning prospects to a campaigner/team/division
Once you have identified prospects for a campaign, you can assign them individually or in groups to specific campaigners, teams, or divisions.
Go to Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns.
Select a campaign from the Campaign List page.
Choose one of the following:
To view all prospects for a campaign, click Manage Prospects.
To view all prospects for a division, click Manage Divisions then click Prospects for the division.
To view all prospects for a team, click Manage Teams then click Prospects for the team.
Expand the Prospect Search section
Select any information to filter the list of prospects.
Click Search and select the required prospects.
Select a division, team, and/or campaigner for the selected prospects at the top of the Prospect section.
Click Assign Division, Assign Team, and/or Assign Campaigner.
Click Submit.
Note: To assign a single prospect to a campaigner, team, or division, find the prospect's name in the list of prospects and select the Division, Team, and/or Campaigner for that prospect, then click Submit.
Adding a prospect to a campaign
Recording a prospect's answer to a pledge request
Printing donor cards for campaign prospects