
Home  >  Administration  >  Campaign settings  >  Campaigns  >  Assigning prospects to a campaigner/team/division


Assigning prospects to a campaigner, team, or division

Once you have identified prospects for a campaign, you can assign them individually or in groups to specific campaigners, teams, or divisions.


    1. Go to Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns.

    2. Select a campaign from the Campaign List page.

    3. Choose one of the following:

    4. Expand the Prospect Search section

    5. Select any information to filter the list of prospects.

    6. Click Search and select the required prospects.

    7. Select a division, team, and/or campaigner for the selected prospects at the top of the Prospect section.

    8. Click Assign Division, Assign Team, and/or Assign Campaigner.

    9. Click Submit.


Note: To assign a single prospect to a campaigner, team, or division, find the prospect's name in the list of prospects and select the Division, Team, and/or Campaigner for that prospect, then click Submit.

Related topics

Adding a prospect to a campaign

Recording a prospect's answer to a pledge request

Printing donor cards for campaign prospects