Cash receipts export

Use the Cash Receipts Export to match payments on account not paid by credit card to GL accounts.


    1. Go to Reports > Financial Reports > Cash Receipts Export.

    2. If you want to filter the export by an existing list of your customers, select the Custom List from the Custom Lists section.

    3. In the Filters section, specify the GL Accounts, Financial Departments, Transaction Dates/Times, and/or any other details to filter the report, if necessary.

    4. In the Options section:

      1. To export a Summary version of the export:

        1. Select a Summary Export Template.

        2. Select the method to summarize the export data from the Summarize by list.

      2. To export a Detailed version of the export:

        1. Select a Detail Export Template.

        2. Select the required method to sort the export data from the Sort by list.

      3. Select the Payment Types that you want to include in the export.

      4. Select the Output Type for the export.

      5. To include only records that have not been previously exported, select Include unexported data only?

    5. Click Submit.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Adding or modifying an export template


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