Creating or modifying a campaign

You can use the Change Campaign page to edit the dates, overall goal, scope, and online configuration details for your campaign.


    1. Go to Administration > Campaign Settings > Campaigns.

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. In the Campaign Details section, enter the Campaign Name, G/L Account, and any other information specific to this campaign.

    4. In the Donation Amounts section, enter the donation amounts to accept for this campaign.

Note: Check Allow Custom donation amounts? to allow customers to make donations for amounts not listed in this section.

    1. In the Campaign Scope section, select any Activities or Packages that you want to link to this campaign.

Note: Campaigns linked to specific activities/packages are displayed on the enrollment pages for those activities/packages. If you do not attach a campaign to any activity or package, it is included in the Campaign drop-down list on the Receipt Payment page.

    1. In the Online Configuration section, select campaign details to display online.

    2. Click Save.

Related topics

Setting the start and end dates of a campaign

Setting a goal for a campaign

Configuring an online campaign page

Creating a campaign dashboard

Creating a campaigner


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