Use the Credit Card Log page to view the status of credit card transactions for specific receipt numbers and/or transaction dates.
Go to Front Desk > Financial > Credit Card Log.
Choose one or more of the following:
To narrow
down credit card transactions by customer, click the binoculars icon to the right of
the Customer box.
To narrow down credit card transactions to a specific receipt number, enter the number in the Receipt Number box.
To narrow down credit card transactions to a specific receipt header ID, enter the receipt header ID number in the AMS Order ID box.
To narrow down credit card transactions to a specific date, enter the date in the Transaction Date box.
To see only credit card transactions that were either approved or declined, select Approved only or Declined only from the Approval Result list.
To see only credit card transactions that were processed as part of a membership auto-renewal, select Membership auto-renewal only?
Click Search.
Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.