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Customer fields

All customer information is stored in customer fields. Each field stores only one type of information.


Field Name

Type of Information

(maximum length)


Customer Title Dropdown List

List of predefined customer titles such as Dr, Ms, or Mr.

First Name Text (30)

Customer's first name.

Middle Name Text (30)

Customer's middle name.

Last Name Text (30)

Customer's last or family name.

SSN Text (11) Social security number/social insurance number.

Text (35)

Street address.
Mailing Address Text (35) Street address to use for customer mail.
Mailing Name Text (50)

Name to use for customer mail.

Home Phone

Text (16)

Home phone number.

Work Phone

Text (16)

Work phone number


Text (16)

Pager number.

Cell Phone Text (16)

Cell/mobile phone number.

Fax Text (16)

Fax number.

Other Phone Text (16)

Alternate phone number.

Email Text (100) Primary email address.
Additional Email Text (100) Alternate email address.
Login Name Text (100) Customer login to use for the public site.

Text (100)

Password to use for the public site.

Security Question

Text (100)

Question to ask online if customer forgets the public site password.

Role in Family

Text (50)

Customer's role in the family, such as Child or Adult.


Dropdown List

Customer's gender.



Date of birth.

Occupation Dropdown List/Text (30)

List of predefined occupations, or customer-specified occupation if Other is selected from the dropdown list.

Resident Checkbox

Specify whether or not the customer is considered a resident.

Grade Age Delta Number

Difference between customer's actual school grade and the system-specified grade for the customer's age.

Special Handling Checkbox

Specify whether or not staff needs to be notified that the customer requires special handling.

Membership Overusage Checkbox Specify whether or not customer has a punch pass in which the number of punches used is greater than the number of punches purchased.
Geographic Area Text (35) List of predefined geographic areas.
Customer Type

Text (30)

List of predefined customer types, which are used to determine applicable charges.

Head of Household


Specify whether or not the customer is considered the head of the customer's household..

Promotional Email


Specify whether or not to send promotional emails to the customer's email address.

Promotional Postal Mail


Specify whether or not to send promotional mail to the customer's mailing address.

Notes Text (no limit)

General notes (such as preferences, requests, or reminders) that display when a special handling customer makes a transaction.

General Alert Text (no limit)

Alert notes (such as warnings) for staff that display when a special handling customer makes a transaction.

Medical Alert

Text (no limit)

Medical alert notes (such as allergies or special instructions) that can be printed on the roster. Medical alerts are also displayed when a special handling customer makes a transaction.

Emergency Contact 1 Text (50) First person to contact in the event of an emergency.
Emergency Contact 2 Text (50) Second person to contact in the event of an emergency.
Subscription Lists Checkboxes Specify the subscription lists that the customer would like to belong to.
Photo Image

Customer photo, either uploaded as a file or captured using a web cam.

Customer ID


Unique number that is automatically assigned to each customer record when it is created.

Family ID


Unique number that is automatically assigned to each family record when it is created.

Family Name Text (30) Name corresponding to the customer's family ID.


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Customer Configuration