Home > Customer fields
All customer information is stored in customer fields. Each field stores only one type of information.
Field Name |
Type of Information (maximum length) |
Description |
Customer Title | Dropdown List | List of predefined customer titles such as Dr, Ms, or Mr. |
First Name | Text (30) | Customer's first name. |
Middle Name | Text (30) | Customer's middle name. |
Last Name | Text (30) | Customer's last or family name. |
SSN | Text (11) | Social security number/social insurance number. |
Address | Text (35) |
Street address. |
Mailing Address | Text (35) | Street address to use for customer mail. |
Mailing Name | Text (50) | Name to use for customer mail. |
Home Phone | Text (16) |
Home phone number. |
Work Phone | Text (16) |
Work phone number |
Pager |
Text (16) | Pager number. |
Cell Phone | Text (16) | Cell/mobile phone number. |
Fax | Text (16) | Fax number. |
Other Phone | Text (16) | Alternate phone number. |
Text (100) | Primary email address. | |
Additional Email | Text (100) | Alternate email address. |
Login Name | Text (100) | Customer login to use for the public site. |
Password | Text (100) |
Password to use for the public site. |
Security Question | Text (100) |
Question to ask online if customer forgets the public site password. |
Role in Family | Text (50) |
Customer's role in the family, such as Child or Adult. |
Gender | Dropdown List |
Customer's gender. |
Birthdate |
Date | Date of birth. |
Occupation | Dropdown List/Text (30) | List of predefined occupations, or customer-specified occupation if Other is selected from the dropdown list. |
Resident | Checkbox | Specify whether or not the customer is considered a resident. |
Grade Age Delta | Number | Difference between customer's actual school grade and the system-specified grade for the customer's age. |
Special Handling | Checkbox | Specify whether or not staff needs to be notified that the customer requires special handling. |
Membership Overusage | Checkbox | Specify whether or not customer has a punch pass in which the number of punches used is greater than the number of punches purchased. |
Geographic Area | Text (35) | List of predefined geographic areas. |
Customer Type | Text (30) |
List of predefined customer types, which are used to determine applicable charges. |
Head of Household | Checkbox |
Specify whether or not the customer is considered the head of the customer's household.. |
Promotional Email | Checkbox |
Specify whether or not to send promotional emails to the customer's email address. |
Promotional Postal Mail |
Checkbox | Specify whether or not to send promotional mail to the customer's mailing address. |
Notes | Text (no limit) | General notes (such as preferences, requests, or reminders) that display when a special handling customer makes a transaction. |
General Alert | Text (no limit) | Alert notes (such as warnings) for staff that display when a special handling customer makes a transaction. |
Medical Alert | Text (no limit) |
Medical alert notes (such as allergies or special instructions) that can be printed on the roster. Medical alerts are also displayed when a special handling customer makes a transaction. |
Emergency Contact 1 | Text (50) | First person to contact in the event of an emergency. |
Emergency Contact 2 | Text (50) | Second person to contact in the event of an emergency. |
Subscription Lists | Checkboxes | Specify the subscription lists that the customer would like to belong to. |
Photo | Image | Customer photo, either uploaded as a file or captured using a web cam. |
Customer ID | Number |
Unique number that is automatically assigned to each customer record when it is created. |
Family ID | Number |
Unique number that is automatically assigned to each family record when it is created. |
Family Name | Text (30) | Name corresponding to the customer's family ID. |