Mass Refund page

For descriptions of the options on the Mass Refund page:



Mass Refund for {Activity Name} page

Full/Partial Refund
Refund the amount paid

Select to perform a full refund.

Refund a partial amount

Select to perform a partial refund.

Refund Partial Amount

Enter the amount of the partial refund.

Select Transactions
Set Refund Type to: You can select a refund payment type from the dropdown list (this applies the refund type to all displayed transactions):

  • By Check: Select this option to change the refund types of all customers to "By Check". (Not including the credit card refund.)

  • To Account: Select this option to change the refund types of all customers to "To Account". (Not including the credit card refund.)

Refund? Checkbox to select a customer for refund.
Receipt Link that will display receipt details.
Refund Type Dropdown list of refund payment types.
Mass refunds can be paid by check, credited to the customer's account, or credited back to the customer's credit card (if the customer paid by credit card).
Select all Link that will select all enrolled customers for refund.
Deselect all Link that will deselect all enrolled customers from getting a refund
Apply Refund Charges Option to apply refund administration charges to the mass refund transaction. The refund charge will be automatically deducted from the amount to be refunded to the customer.
Note: If you perform a partial refund, you cannot select this option.
Withdraw from Activity? Withdraw selected customers from the activity, in addition to applying the refund.

  • To set the date used to calculate a prorated refund for this activity, enter a date and time here. The prorated refund is calculated using the time period from the activity start date to this date.
  • To see this option, you must set fees for the activity to 'Pro-rate during refund'.

  • If you have set the activity status to "cancelled", the withdrawal date is set to the same date as the Cancelled as of date.

Request Refund If your organization uses refund requests, then a Request Refund checkbox appears in the Options section:
  • To request a refund of the account credits, select this option and enter a Reason for the request. The reason that you enter will display on the Refund Request Approval and Processing pages.

  • To keep the credits in the customer's account, disable this option.

Staff Notes
Staff Notes Staff notes to attach to this transaction. 
They are used for internal reference (for example: reason for the refund), and will not be printed on the customer receipt, but can be printed on the roster. They can be a combination of standard notes (selected from a dropdown list) and typed notes.
Customer Notes
Customer Notes Customer notes to attach to this transaction. 
They are used for customer reference and will be printed on the customer receipt. These notes can be a combination of standard notes (selected from a dropdown list) and typed notes.


Mass Refund for {FlexReg program name} page

Select Date Range for Refund

Start Date/End Date

The date range defaults to the selected program’s start and end dates. If required, specify another date range by which to search for customers.

Customers who are enrolled on dates within the specified date range are returned.

Apply refund charges

If refund charges are configured, then the Apply refund charges check box is displayed. Select the Apply refund charges check box to apply the refund charges.

Customer List

For each customer, click ▼ to expand the list of reservation units. Select the reservation units to refund.

Refund Type

The Refund Type can only be To Account. The mass refund feature does not support refunds to a customer’s credit card.