Resource Calendar

The Resource Calendar is a graphical tool that is fully integrated with resource reservations. You can use the Resource Calendar to view bookable resources, and reserve facilities, equipment, and instructors. The Resource Calendar is the default homepage of the Facility Management module.

The Resource Calendar supports the Day view (default view), Week view, Grid View and Month view. The Resource Calendar displays resource availability for the selected resources in a single day or each day in a specified month.



The Resource Calendar includes the following main sections:

The menu bar


In the menu bar, you can:


In the filters section, the following filters are available:

    1. Center filter – All centers are displayed. If many centers are displayed, enter a keyword to search for the required centers. Note that centers set to ‘Prevent Future Use’ are not included in the Center list.

    2. Resource Type filter – Facility, Equipment, and Instructor are displayed.

    3. Facility Type filter – All configured facility types (except retired facility types) are displayed.

    4. Event Type filter – All configured event types (except retired event types) are displayed.

    5. Resource filter – all bookable resources that satisfy the filters above are displayed in the list. If multiple resources are displayed, then enter a keyword to search for the required resources. To add a resource to the calendar, select the checkbox for the resource. To remove resources from the calendar, unselect the resource. Up to 20 resources can be selected to be added to the calendar. To increase the maximum number of resources, contact the ACTIVE Net support team.


For filter dropdowns with a search field, you can enter the criteria to search for required options.

For filter dropdowns that do not have a search field, the required options are applied to filter the resources.


You can also use the keyboard to operate the dropdowns:


To quickly clear all selected resources, click the Clear Calendar link. All selected filters and resources are cleared.



Your filter selections are saved automatically and will be applied the next time you open the Resource Calendar in the same browser session.


To save your selected resources as a quick view, click the save icon and enter a name for the quick view. You can save up to 300 Local and 300 Global quick views.

To apply a quick view, select the quick view from the quick view filter and the saved resources are displayed in the calendar.


The calendar area

Your filter selections are saved automatically and will be applied the next time you open the Resource Calendar in the same browser session.

The Resource Calendar displays the availability for the selected resources on a specified day or each day in a specified month. The Resource Calendar currently supports the Day view, Week view, Month view the Grid view.

Day view

The calendar displays one column for the resource. To view detail information for the resource, click the resource name. To remove a resource, hover the pointer over the required resource name and click X. Blank spaces denote available timeslots for reservations. If the resource is reserved, then the timeslot displays the basic reservation information. Hover on the reservation to view reservation details.


In the Resource Calendar > Day view, to configure the displayed time range, click the setting icon under the Center filter and select the required time range. The specified time range only applies to the logged-in user account and it is retained between logins.

Week view

The Week view displays the availability of the selected resources in a specified week. In the Week view, depending on the height of a reservation block, reservation information including the permit number, event name, customer name, number of attendees, permit status and reservation time may be displayed.  

Month view


The Month view displays the selected resource availabilities in a month on a month calendar. On each day, the start time of the first reservation is displayed.

Note that for Internet Explorer users, in the Month view, it is necessary for users to set the zoom percentage to 125% or greater. If users wish to use the Month view at a zoom percentage of less than 125%, then they must use Chrome or Edge browsers.

Grid view

The Month view operates in a similar way to the Day view, except in the Grid view:


Multi-days view

The Multi-days view operates in a similar way to the Day view, except in the Multi-days view:


The calendar displays one selected resource per column, and one hour per row. To navigate between resources and timeslots, drag the scroll bar or press the Up, Down, Left or Right arrow keys.

In the Resource Calendar:

The calendar displays the availability of the resource on the day. Blank spaces denote available timeslots for reservations. If the resource is reserved, then the timeslot displays the basic reservation information. Hover on the reservation to view reservation details. You can double-click a reservation block (except reservations that are currently being created) to view or modify the reservation.


To color reservations in the calendar by event type or status (default), refer to the Administration Home > Facility Settings > Configuration page > Resource Calendar Settings section.

For example, on the screenshots for the day view and the month view, on Aug 27, 2019: