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Activity Enrollment

Create New Family Member/Friend



Name of Field Type Description

Activity Enrollment

Select Participant Step

Create new family member/friend tip text


Optional tip text for adding a new family member/friend to an enrollment on the public site.


This text appears on the Select Participant page during the enrollment process.


If no tip text is entered, only the Create a new family member/friend link displays on this page.

Register multiple participants tip text


Optional tip text to inform online customers about how to easily register multiple participants into the same activity.


This text appears on the Select Participant page during the enrollment process.


If no tip text is entered, then the Tip section does not display on this page.

Select Package Details Step

Activity Package Details Tip Text


Optional tip text to let customers know how to make selections towards an activity package.

Select Team/Group Step

Select Your Registration Type Tip Text


Optional tip text to instruct online customers to select a registration type, if there are multiple registration type options.


This section appears when online customers add a team/group activity to their cart.


Default text: "Added to shopping cart. Choose your registration type to continue."

Team/Group Manager Details Tip Text


Optional tip text to explain the Team Manager Details section on the public access site.


This section appears when an online customer selects team/group registration and chooses to create a new team over the public access site.


Default text: Blank.

Team/Group Security Tip Text


Optional tip text to explain team registration codes to online customers.


This section appears when an online customer selects team/group registration and chooses to create a new team over the public access site.


Default text: "You may also set a registration code for your members. Members will be required to enter this code to register."

Team/Group Invitation Tip Text


Optional tip text to explain how to invite friends to be team members.


This section appears when an online customer selects team/group registration and chooses to create a new team over the public access site.


Default text: "Copy and paste the following link and registration code (if any) into your email program and send to friends you wish to invite to join."

Additional Information Step

Activity questions tip text


Optional tip text to prompt online customers to answer any activity custom questions.


Default text: "Answer some questions for this activity."

Membership questions tip text


Optional tip text to prompt online customers to answer any activity custom questions.


Default text: "Answer some questions for this membership."

Review waivers tip text


Optional tip text to prompt online customers to review and sign any waivers for the enrollment.


Default text: "Review and sign to continue."

Create New Family Member/Friend

Name & Address section tip text


Optional tip text for filling in the name and address of the new family member/friend.


If no tip text is entered, then the tip text section is hidden.

Contact information section tip text


Optional tip text for filling in the contact information of the new family member/friend.


If no tip text is entered, then the tip text section is hidden.

Personal information section tip text


Optional tip text for filling in the personal information of the new family member/friend.


If no tip text is entered, then the tip text section is hidden.

Emergency contact section tip text


Optional tip text for entering emergency contact details for the new family member/friend.


If no tip text is entered, then the tip text section is hidden.

Questions section tip text


Optional tip text for answering custom questions for the new family member/friend.


If no tip text is entered, then the tip text section is hidden.


Waiver instructions tip text


Optional tip text to appear on the Payment Details - Review Waivers page on the public access site.


This tip is meant to instruct online customers how to complete the waiver step, if necessary.

Scroll to activate waiver checkbox tip text


Optional tip text to appear on the Payment Details - Review Waivers page on the public access site.


This tip is meant to inform online customers that they must scroll through and read the entire text of the waiver before they can continue.


If you have specified that the customer must scroll through to the bottom of the online waiver before the acknowledgement checkbox is enabled and if the online waiver has a scrollbar, then this tip appears next to the waiver.

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