Refunding a gift card

You can refund the amount that is remaining on a gift card at any time. Use the following steps:


    1. Go to Front Desk > Refund Transaction.

    2. In the Find Transaction section, enter the Gift Card Number of the gift card that you want to refund.

    3. In the Select Transaction for Refund section, click the Description that matches the gift card that you want to refund.

    4. In the Credit Fees section, modify the amount to refund, if necessary.

    5. Note: The Refund amount defaults to the full amount remaining on the gift card.

    6. Click Refund & Finish.

    7. In the Find Customer to Receive Refund section, select the customer who you want to receive the refund.

    8. In the Receipt Refund section, select the tender type that you want to use to issue the refund.

    9. Click Refund & Finish.

    10. Either print the receipt or send it to the customer as an email.

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Refunding a transaction


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