Use the Subsidy Usage Report page to view an overview of subsidy usage for customers.
Go to Reports > Financial Reports > Subsidy Usage Report.
In the Filters section, specify the Subsidies, Allocation Start Date and/or any other details to filter the report, if necessary.
In the Options section,
to view the summary report, select the Summary Report checkbox.
specify a required Output Type for the report.
Click Run Report.
Note that the summary report includes subsidy transactions that are not used in any transactions.
The following columns appear in the generated report results:
Customer Name
ID: Customer ID
Date of Birth
Age: The customer’s current age
Resident Status: Whether the customer is a resident.
Customer Type
Subsidy Name
Allocation Start Date
Expiration Date
Allocated Amount
Balance: Balance amount for the transaction
Total Used: Used amount for the subsidy allocation
Receipt #
Transaction Date and Time
Applied Service: Name of the membership package or activity
Applied Amount: Subsidy amount applied to the transaction