Usage Statistics Report

The Reports > Reservation Reports > Usage Statistics Report allows you to generate a report of the hours booked for a facility and the corresponding revenue in a specific date range. The report output breaks out by resource the reservation hours, percentages and revenues, and Prime Time and Zero dollar reservation hours and percentages.


Note: Only users whose user profiles are authorized with the following permission can access this report: Administration > System Settings > System User Profiles > Add New button or an existing profile Name link > Function and Report Authorities > Reports > Reservation: Usage Statistics Report.


To configure the content of the Usage Statistics Report:

    1. In the Prime time configuration section, define your organization's prime time days and time periods as required by selecting the Weekdays and/or Weekends checkboxes and then entering the corresponding prime-time time periods.

    2. In the Filters section:

      1. Select the Date Range > From and Through dates of bookings to include in the report (cannot exceed 31 days).

      2. Enter the Time range per day of bookings to include in the report.

      3. Select the Days of the week (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun) of bookings to include in the report.

      4. Select to include bookings for specific:

    3. In the Options section:

      1. Select to Include > Facilities bookings in the report (the option to include Equipment bookings will be added in future).

      2. Select the output file format of the report from Output Type > Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format).

    4. In the Sort Options section, select to sort the order of the report contents by blank (default), Customer Type, Customer, Facility Type, Facility, Event Type or Organization.


After configuring the report content, to: