Changing the payment setup for scheduled payments

Use this page to modify payment information for an existing payment plan or daycare re-enrollment.

Changing payment setup

    1. To set the transaction (e.g. payment, re-enroll) to automatic, select Auto Payment or Auto Re-Enroll. To keep the payment plan for this transaction as manual, leave this option cleared.

    2. For automatic payments, select the payment source:

Paying by credit card

      1. Select Automatically charge credit card.

      2. Enter the Card Number and Expiration (MMYY format).

      3. Click Submit.

Paying from a bank account

      1. Select Automatically charge bank account.

      2. From the dropdown list, select the Account Type.

      3. Enter the Account Number and Routing Number.

      4. Click Submit.


To prevent the failure of payment for automated billing, you can provide a backup form of payment to reauthorize the automated billing:


    1. Click the link beneath A BACKUP FORM OF PAYMENT IS OPTIONAL FOR AUTOMATED BILLING to display the Change Backup Payment Setup page, where you can enter or modify the backup information associated with the transaction.

    2. Select one of the following:

    3. Click Submit.