Reservation times

Use this page to specify the dates and times to reserve specific facilities, equipment, equipment packages and instructors.


Note that the calendar shows the complete first and last week of the reservation. The days in the previous month and in the next month that fill out the first and last weeks of the reservation are included in the calendar (which prevents you from having to having to pull up another calendar month to view the complete reservation).

Go to section


Calendars for Facility or Equipment

Days of Week


The Reservation Times page includes the following options:

Name of Field




Display Reservations between


Select the time range from which to display existing reservations.

Reservation Type

Dropdown list

Type of reservation.


The options are: Regular Reservation and Continuous Reservation.

Default Starting and Ending Time


Time range to be reserved for the reservation.


This time range filters the calendars to only show reservations between these times.


This time range serves as the default start and end time when a reservation is launched.

Override Minimum Advanced Reservation Settings?


Select this checkbox to override the minimum advanced reservation settings for facilities, equipment and instructors.

Override Maximum Advanced Reservation Settings?


Select this checkbox to override the maximum advanced reservation for facilities, equipment and instructors.

Override Resource Closed Time?


Select this checkbox to specify that the facilities, equipment and instructors are available at any time.

Reserve All


Launch the reservation process for any selected dates on all visible calendars.

Back to Select Resources and Months


Go back to the Reservation Availability List page with the current facility/months pre-selected.

Back to Start


Go back to the Reservation Availability Search page.

Calendars for Facility or Equipment

Facility, Equipment, Equipment Package or Instructor


Facility, equipment, equipment package or instructor name.


Click these links to go to Detail pages where you can view information and hours of availability for your selections.



Center name.


Click this link to go to the Center Detail page, where you can view center information and hours of availability for your selection.

Starting Time


Start time of the reservation.

Ending Time


End time of the reservation.

Attendance or Quantity


Number of individuals attending the facility event, or the quantity of equipment or equipment packages needed for the reservation.

Days of Week (for Regular Reservations)

Day of week


Select the date link of a particular day of week column to reserve the facility or equipment on that day.


For example: to reserve the facility or equipment on all Mondays of the month, select all date links in the Monday column (First to Last).

Monthly frequency


Select the checkboxes on the weekly row to reserve the facility or equipment for a particular week of the month.


For example: to reserve the facility for the entire first week of the month, select all the checkboxes on the First row.

Weekly frequency

(Every other week)


Select the checkboxes on the Every other week row to reserve the facility or equipment on that day for every other week.


For example: selecting the Monday checkbox will reserve the facility every Monday for every other week.

Clear Selection


Click this button to clear all selected days.

Reset to Defaults


Click this button to restore the defaults set in Default Starting and Ending Time.

Reserve All


Click this button to launch the reservation process for any selected dates on all visible calendars.

Back to Select Resources and Months


Click this button to go back to the Reservation Availability List page with the current facility/months pre-selected.

Back to Start


Click this button to go back to the Reservation Availability Search page.