Report definition schedule

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Email Message

Schedule to FTP

Schedule Export to Musco API (Lighting Exports only)



Use this page to define the criteria and filters for reports, and to schedule them to run automatically.


You can use this page to override existing filters and options, define the times and dates when that report runs automatically, and define one or more email addresses where ACTIVE Net will send the report once it is generated.


The following options are included on the Report Definition Schedule page:

Name of Field




Enable Schedule Report



Select this option to define the criteria and filters for a report that runs automatically.

Automatically Mark Records As Exported


Select this option to automatically mark the records as exported after ACTIVE Net sends out the scheduled email.


Note: This option only applies to the Financial Export report.

Save Export File To


Enter the file location to save the scheduled export file for later use.


Tip: You may:

  • Either type the file location into the Save Export File To box directly, or

  • Navigate to the file location through Windows Explorer and copy and paste from Windows Clipboard the file location into ActiveNet.


From Date


  1. Select a Beginning Date of Running for the report from the pop-up calendar.

  2. The Day of Week field beside the calendar icon is automatically completed.

To Date


  1. Select an Ending Date of Running for the report from the pop-up calendar.

  2. The Day of Week field beside the calendar icon is automatically completed.

Week of Month


Select the Weeks of Month that the report will be running for.

Days of Week


  1. Select the Days of Week that the report will be running for.

  2. Enter in the Time box the times of day that the report will be run for.


Note: ACTIVE Net sends the report to an email server at the dates and times that you specify. Depending on server traffic, it is possible that emails may not actually reach their intended recipients until up to several hours after the scheduled time.

Email Message

Send Confirmation Email?


Select Send Confirmation Email? to use the bulk email service to send the confirmation email (if any) as specified and attaching the export files.


Dropdown list

Choose the option from the From list to display the internal agency's email address from which the email is sent, as selected from a predefined list.



Click the Edit / Add link to display the Email Address List page.

  • To edit: From the Email Address List page, clicking an underlined Email Address Name link displays the Change Email Address page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.

  • To add: From the Email Address List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Email Address page, allowing you to create a new record.



Enter in the To box the email addresses of the accounts to which the report will be sent.

Subject Text


Enter in the Subject Text box the subject text of the email.

Body Text


Enter in the Body Text box the body text of the email.

Schedule to FTP

Note: This section is only relevant if your organization has access to an FTP server. If you are not sure about what to enter in the options below, contact your organization's IT department.

Export Report to FTP?


Select this option if you want ACTIVE Net to automatically send the export file for this report to your organization's FTP server when it is scheduled to run.


This option enables the other options in this section.

FTP Address Text Enter the address of the FTP server that you want to export this report to.
Port Number Enter the port to use to connect to your FTP server.
Encryption Dropdown list Select the type of encryption to use when connecting to your FTP server, if applicable.
User Name Text Enter the user name to use when connecting to your FTP server.
If you do not want to use a user name and password to connect to your FTP server, click Anonymous.
Password Text Enter the password to use when connecting to your FTP server.
File Name Text Enter the file name that you want to use for the export file that is sent to your FTP server.

Append Date


Select this option if you want to append the export date to the file name above. This will both help to distinguish report exports from different dates and prevent the current file export from overwriting previous file exports of the same report.

Schedule Export to Musco API

Note: This section is displayed only for Table Name = Lighting Export and is only relevant if your organization is using a Musco Lighting control system.

Export Report to Musco API?


Select this option if you want ACTIVENet to automatically send the Lighting Report export file to the Musco Lighting API to automatically control your lights.


Note: If this checkbox is selected, then the Schedule to FTP > Export Report to FTP? checkbox must be unselected.

Musco API User


Your organization's Musco API username.

Musco API Password


Your organization's Musco API password..


Membership Start Date


Select the Membership Start Date checkbox to override the existing membership start date that was defined when the report was created.

Membership Exp. Date


Select the Membership Exp. Date checkbox to override the existing membership expiration date that was defined when the report was created.

Activity Start Date


Select the Activity Start Date checkbox to override the existing activity start date, which was defined when the report was created.

Activity End Date


Select the Activity End Date checkbox to override the existing activity end date, which was defined when the report was created.

Permit Creation Date


Select the Permit Creation Date checkbox to override the existing permit creation date, which was defined when the report was created.

Expense Date


Select the Expense Date checkbox to override the existing expense date, which was defined when the report was created.

Added or Modified Since


Select the Added or Modified Since checkbox to override the existing added or modified since date, which was defined when the report was created.

Transaction Date/Time


Select the Transaction Date/Time checkbox to override the existing membership transaction date and time that were defined when the report was created.

Note: Certain options only apply to certain export reports, as follows:


Options Applicable to Transaction Export:

      • Transaction Date/Time

      • Added or Modified Since


Option Applicable to Financial Export:

      • Transaction Date/Time


Options Applicable to Expense Export:

      • Activity Start Date

      • Activity End Date

      • Permit Creation Date

      • Expense Date

      • Added or Modified Since

From (days before or after)


  1. Enter in the From box the Beginning Date of the date range in which to override the existing report values.

  2. Select the before or after checkbox to override the existing report values either before or after the report running day.

To (days before or after)


  1. Enter in the To box the Ending Date of the date range in which to override the existing report values.

  2. Select the before or after checkbox to override the existing report values either before or after the report running day.