Customer scholarships

Customer scholarships are special discount grants that customers can use when enrolling for specific activities. You can apply a scholarship to multiple activities, programs, or memberships.


If a customer has more than one valid scholarship granted, the first one attached to the customer record is used before subsequent ones.


Note: If you override qualifying items for the customer award, awards are applied at 100% by default.

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Scholarship Information

Award Details

Customize Award Qualifications for Customer


The Change Scholarship page includes the following options.

Name of Field Type Description

Scholarship Information


Dropdown list

The name of the scholarship.



Description of the scholarship program.

Donor Company


List of the names of all donor companies of the scholarship program (if any).

Donor Customer


List of the names of all donor customers attached to the scholarship program (if any).



Season of the scholarship program.

Award Details

Award Type Dropdown list

Select whether to award the customer a specified or an unspecified amount for this scholarship:


  • Specified: This customer can use only a specific amount of this scholarship.

  • Unspecified: This customer can continue to use this scholarship as long as it doesn't exceed the total remaining scholarship amount.

Amount Numeric Amount of scholarship awarded to the customer.
This box does not appear if you have selected Unspecified for the Award Type above.
Used Numeric Amount of scholarship already used by the customer.
Read only.
Award Balance Numeric Amount of scholarship remaining that can be used by the customer.
This amount is calculated using a combination of the information that you have specified this section and the information specified for the scholarship that you have selected in the Financial Assistance Information section above.
For example: If you have selected Specified for the Award Type above, then the Award Balance = Awarded Amount - the amount Used.
If you have selected Unspecified for the Award Type above but the scholarship that you have selected has a limited amount of funds available, then Award Balance = Scholarship amount - the total amount for this scholarship that has already been specified for customers (with an Award Type of Specified) - the total amount of this scholarship that has been used by other customers (with an Award Type of Unspecified).
If you have selected Unspecified for the Award Type above and if the scholarship that you have selected has an unlimited amount of funds available, then Award Balance = Unlimited.
Read only.
Start Date Date Date when the scholarship will be in effect (becomes redeemable).
Expiration Date


Last date when the scholarship can be used.


Any amount remaining after the expiration date is forfeited.

Ignore the Scholarship/Financial Aid Over Allocation?


Select this checkbox to override the scholarship/financial aid allocation.

Customize Award Qualifications for

Enable Custom Qualifications?


Select this checkbox to set awards and scholarships for the qualifying activities, programs, and memberships for a specific customer's scholarship.


Note: The qualifying activities, programs, memberships and products specified for the customer's awards override qualifying activities, programs, memberships and products specified at the global discount and individual activity, program, and membership levels.

Qualifying Activities



Select the option to filter activties for which the discount is valid. The following options are available:

All Activities


Individual Activities

Activity Department

Activity Category

Activity Sub Category

Activity Group Number


For example, if you want to use activity departments to filter activities, select any activity departments and click Add.


To remove a qualifying activity criteria, click Remove next to it.



Apply a percentage of the scholarship to a Qualify option.


  • Percentage or amount distributions for scholarships that you specify here override default amounts at the global levels.



Apply a dollar amount of the scholarship to a Qualify option.


  • The amount redeemed is displayed as a negative value.

  • You must enter either a percentage or amount, not both.

Qualifying Programs



Select the option to filter programs for which the discount is valid. The following options are available:

  • All Programs
  • None
  • Individual Program
  • Program Type
  • Program Group Number


For example, if you want to use program type to filter programs, select Program Type and click Add. Select any program types and click Add.


To remove a qualifying program criteria, click Remove next to it.



Apply a percentage of the scholarship to a Qualify option.


  • Percentage or amount distributions for scholarships that you specify here override default amounts at the global levels.



Apply a dollar amount of the scholarship to a Qualify option.


  • The amount redeemed is displayed as a negative value.

  • You must enter either a percentage or amount, not both.

Applicable to specific date range for per day qualification


To apply different scholarship fixed amounts by program date range, select this checkbox and then:

  1. In the Effective Date Range column, select the start and end dates for a qualification.
  2. In the Qualification column, enter the fixed scholarship amount applicable to each enrolled program day in the corresponding date range.
  3. To add another date range and scholarship amount, click the Add Another link (up to 10 date ranges/scholarship amounts can be configured).
  4. To remove a date range/scholarship amount, click the corresponding Remove link.

Qualifying Memberships



Select the option to filter memberships for which the discount is valid. The following options are available:

All Packages


Individual Package

Package Category


For example, if you want to use package category to filter programs, select Package Category and click Add. Select any package category and click Add.


To remove a qualifying program criteria, click Remove next to it.



Apply a percentage of the scholarship to a Qualify option.


  • Percentage or amount distributions for scholarships that you specify here override default amounts at the global levels.



Apply a dollar amount of the scholarship to a Qualify option.


  • The amount redeemed is displayed as a negative value.

  • You must enter either a percentage or amount, not both.

Qualifying Products



Select the option to filter products for which the discount is valid. The following options are available:


All Products

Individual Product

Product Department

Product Class

Product Subclass


For example, if you want to use product classes to filter products, select Product Class and click Add. Select all required product classes and then click Add All Selected.


To remove a qualifying criteria, click Remove next to it.



Apply a percentage of the scholarship to a Qualify option.



  • Percentage or amount distributions for scholarships that you specify here override default amounts at the global levels.



Apply a dollar amount of the scholarship to a Qualify option.



  • The amount redeemed is displayed as a negative value.

  • You must enter either a percentage or amount, not both.