Crediting fees 

Use this section to credit fees to a customer during a refund transaction or when transferring an enrollment.

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Withdraw Reasons



Refund Date

After you select a customer and transaction to refund, click the calendar button to select the Refund Date.


Note: If the customer has a payment plan for the transaction, the pro-rated refund amount is based on the full transaction amount charged. For example, if a customer is charged $100 for 10 classes and withdraws as of the end of the second class, the customer is charged for the first two classes ($20), and refunded the remaining $80.



Checkbox to select which charges will be credited.


Description of the fee charged.


Amount of the fee.

Amount Paid

Amount paid by customer.


If proration is allowed, this is the portion of the fee that cannot be refunded anymore.


The portion of the fee that can be refunded.


The field gives the option to change the actual amount of a fee to be refunded or credited.


This option will only be available for fees which allow amount overrides.


Note: To issue no refund for the refunded pass, set the Refund amount to $0.00.

Service Fee for Refund

(appears only if applicable)

Refund administration fee deducted from the refund amount.


Appears only if you have defined refund charges in Administration > Financial Settings > Refund Charges.


Calculated total of all fees.

Withdraw from activity? (available only in Refund transactions)

Select this checkbox to withdraw the customer from the activity in a refund transaction.


If not selected, the customer will still be registered in the activity even after refunding the fees.

Withdraw from Entire Package

(appears only for membership packages)

To withdraw from all activities in a membership package, select this option.

Withdraw from _________

(appears only for membership packages)

To withdraw from specific activities in a membership package, select each activity to withdraw from.


Note: To withdraw from specific activities, you must have access to the Override Activity List Registration Requirements. You can only withdraw from optional activities.

To customize a prorated refund, in the Date for Prorated Refund section, enter a Date and time.


The prorated refund is calculated using the time period from the enrolment date to the date you specify.


Note: To see this option, you must set fees for the activity to Pro-rate during refund.

Refund Coupons? (available only in Refund transactions)

Select this checkbox to return the coupon to the customer's list of available coupons.

Retain amount owed?

Keep the fees owed by the customer after withdrawing or transferring the customer from the activity, package or program. (This is useful for withdrawals or transfers after the refund period is over.)


  1. Select Retain amount owed.

  2. (Optional) In the Outstanding Balance column, edit the remaining balance for each fee.

  3. Click Refund & Finish or Refund.

Withdraw/Cancellation Reasons


Reason for the withdrawal, as selected from a dropdown list.

Reasons box

Option to enter a reason in the box instead of selecting one from the dropdown list.


Option to override (appears only if applicable)

Checkboxes to select whether there are conditions that need to be bypassed before registration can continue (age restrictions, maximum class size, etc).


Note: You must select all override checkboxes before registration can continue.


Staff Notes

Staff notes to attach to this transaction. 


Staff notes are used for internal reference (for example, reason for the refund or transfer), and are not printed on the customer receipt, but can be printed on the roster.


They can be a combination of standard notes (selected from a dropdown list) and typed notes.

Customer Notes

Customer notes to attach to this transaction. 


Customer notes are used for customer reference about the registration (for example, reminders for the first day of the activity).


They are printed on the customer receipt, and can also be printed on the roster.


These notes can be a combination of standard notes (selected from a dropdown list) and typed notes.