
Expenses are amounts that your organization spends for activities. Expenses can be either instructor payments (payroll) or other expenditures incurred for activities (for example: materials). You can generate reports for activity expenses.

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Instructor Payment

Activity Expense



    1. Go to Front Desk > Financial > Expenses.

    2. Choose one of the following:


The following options are included on the Expense details page:

Name of Field Type Description


Description Text

Description of the expense.

Department Dropdown list

Select a department to associate the expense with.

Payrate Code Numeric


Instructor Payment

(fill in this section if the expense is an instructor payment)

Instructor Dropdown list Name of the instructor.



Activity being handled by the instructor for which the expense is incurred.


Click the icon to launch the Activity list page, where you can select an activity. Only the activities being handled by the instructor are included in the list. This includes activities that the instructor is a regular instructor for as well as activities that the instructor is a substitute instructor for.


Click All sites? to include activities handled by the instructor from all sites (not just the current site).



Permit attached to the instructor.


Click All sites? to include permits handled by the instructor from all sites (not just the current site).

Instructor Timesheet Entry


Instructor's timesheet.


Click All sites? to include timesheets handled by the instructor from all sites (not just the current site).

Activity Expense

(fill in this section for all other types of expenses)



Activity for which the expense is incurred.

Vendor Company Text Name of vendor company linked to the expense transaction.
This company may have supplied the expensed product or service and was paid the expense amount.
Vendor Customer Text Name of individual vendor (if not a company) linked to the expense transaction.
This vendor may have supplied the expensed product or service and was paid the expense amount.


Note that individual vendors are entered as customers in the system.


Expense Date Date Date of the expense.
Check Number Text Number of the check used to pay for the expense, if applicable.
P.O. Number Text Purchase order number of the expense, if applicable.
Used for reference purposes only.
Amount Numeric Amount of the expense.
Expense GL Account Dropdown List Expense general ledger account where the expense will be assigned.


Note: Only the Expense type is available. You need to set up an expense account for unclassified GL accounts.

Expense Clearing GL Account Dropdown List Expense clearing general ledger account where the expense will be assigned.


Note: Only the Liability type is available. You need to set up a liability account for unclassified GL accounts.

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