Report filters

Use this page to specify filter criteria and options when running reports, as well as customer lists, labels, and emails.


Report filters determine which information is included in a report. For example: you can run activity reports for specific activities; you can run facility reports for specific facilities; you can run some reports for specific sites; and you can run customer reports for specific customers.


Select report options to change other aspects of how a report is generated. For example: you can specify whether you want to run a detailed or summary report, you can choose an output type, and you can customize the sort order of a report's contents.

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Recall / Schedule a saved report definition



Sort Options

Save Report Definition


To recall a saved report or to schedule a report to run automatically at specific dates and times, click Report Definitions.


The following filters and options are commonly included on the Report Filter page (different reports can have different filters and options).

Name of Field



Recall / Schedule a saved report definition

Recall / Schedule


Recall a saved report definition, or Schedule a report definition to run on specific days of the week at specific times.


Click the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button to access the following options on the Report Definitions page:

  • Title (hyperlink): Open the selected report.

  • Schedule (hyperlink): Go to the Report Definition Schedule page.

  • Delete (button): Delete the selected report.


Report Filter


Filter the report to only include information that matches specific filter criteria.


Click the link to open a search page, where you can select filter items and add them to the list.


If you select no filters, then the report includes all records.


If you select multiple items in a report filter, then records are included in the report as long as they match any of the items.


When you select items in multiple filters, then at least one item from each filter must match for a record to be included in the report.


(From, To)


Range of dates and times of transactions or records to include in the report.

Checkbox Selection


Specify filters by selecting from a group of checkboxes.


Summary Report


Select this checkbox to produce only a summary report. Clear it to include more details in the report.


Dropdown list

Filter reports by customer status.


The options are: All Customers - includes both retired and active customers, Exclude Retired - includes only active customers and Only Retired - includes only retired customers.

Group By

Dropdown list

Option to group records on the report using a specific criteria.


For example: Records may be grouped by Date, by Site, or by Fee Contract.

Output Type

Dropdown list

The output type or format of the export, as selected from a predefined list.


The most common output types are:

  • HTML

  • PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader)

  • Microsoft Excel


For exports or imports, the most common output types are:

  • Comma Delimited

  • Tab Delimited

  • Fixed Length

  • XML


Note: You cannot open web addresses (url) for generated reports sent via email. Instead, schedule the report to be automatically sent to specified email addresses, or generate a PDF or Excel version and send the output via email.



Option to include some specific item in the report.


Some examples of items that may be included are: Customer or Staff Notes, Medical AlertsTransaction Notes, Team or League Contacts, and Custom Questions.

Sort Options

Sort Options

Dropdown list

Option to sort the report information by a specific field or criteria.

Save Report Definition

Use this section to save a report definition for later use.


Click Save to save the report definition using the current report title entered. If the report title has been changed, the original report title will be replaced by the new one.


Click Save As to save another version of the report definition using a different report title.


Click Recall on top of the page to access a previously saved report definition from the Report Definitions page.

Report Title


Enter the title of the report definition that you want to save.

Set as Default for Me?


Specify that you want the current report definition to be the default for this type of report whenever you are signed in.

Set as Default for Other Users?


Specify that you want the current report definition to be the default for some other users when they are signed in.


  1. Select Set as Default for Other Users?

  2. Choose one or more of the following:

    • To set this report definition as the default for a group of users, click Profile and select one or more system user profiles to make this definition the default for.

    • To set this report definition as the default for one or more individual users, move the users from the Available list to the Selected list.


Note: This option is only visible if you have the Set Report Definition as Default for All System Users security profile (Report Options section on the System User Profiles page.


Click Run Report to run the report.