Account creation questions

Account creation questions are asked during the creation of a new customer account record to obtain additional information about the customer. You can select account creation questions from the list of available custom questions.


Go to Administration > Population Settings > Account creation questions.

Go to section

Custom Question Groups

Custom Questions


You must first add account creation questions to the custom questions list before you can use them.


The following options are included on the Account Creation Questions page:

Name of Field Type Description

Custom Question Groups

Available Question Groups


A list of all custom question groups that you can select as account creation questions.


You can select multiple account creation questions.


To select an account creation question group, highlight the custom question group in the left column (Available Question Groups) and click the right-pointing arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Questions).

Selected Questions for Individual / Selected Questions for Family


There are two lists of all custom question groups maintained in the system that can be attached to account creation questions.


A program may have multiple question groups and a question group may be attached to multiple programs.


To remove a custom question group, highlight the name of the custom question group under the right column (Selected Questions) and click the left-pointing arrow to move it to the left column (Available Question Groups).


The lists are for Individuals and Families.


Note: Questions for both lists are drawn from the same pool. You can select questions for either the Individual or Family list, but not both.

Move to top


Click to move a selected custom question to the top of the list.


The group of questions on top will be asked first during registration.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups list then click Move to top.

Move up one


Click to move a selected custom question group one position up in the list.


The group of questions are asked during registration from top to bottom.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups list then click Move up one.

Move to bottom


Click to move a selected custom question group to the bottom of the list.


The bottom group of questions will be asked last during registration.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups list then click Move to bottom.

Move down one


Click to move a selected custom question group one position down on the list.


The group of questions are asked during registration from top to bottom.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups list then click Move down one.

Custom Questions

Available Questions


A list of all custom questions maintained in the system that can be selected as account creation questions.


You can select multiple account creation questions.


To select an account creation question, highlight the custom question in the left column (Available Questions) and click the right-pointing arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Questions).

Selected Questions


A list of all custom questions maintained in the system that have been selected as account creation questions.


ACTIVE Net asks these questions when a new customer account record is created.


To remove an account creation question, highlight the custom question under the right column (Selected Questions) and click the left-pointing arrow to move it to the left column (Available Questions).

Move to top


Move a selected account creation question to the top of the list.


The question on top is asked first during customer account creation.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions list then click Move to top.

Move up one


Move a selected account creation question one position up on the list.


The questions are asked from top to bottom.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions list then click Move up one.

Move to bottom


Move a selected account creation question to the bottom of the list.


The bottom question will be asked last during customer account creation.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions list then click Move to bottom.

Move down one


Move a selected account creation question one position down on the list.


The questions are asked from top to bottom.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions list then click Move down one.