Change activity fees

You can change activity fees by batch for a group of activities. You can change all fees for selected activities by a specific percentage, or enter new amounts individually for each fee.

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Search Criteria

Fee Change

Activity / Fee


Specify criteria to search for activities to include in the fee change.


You can use the following criteria in your search:

Name of Field Type Description

Search Criteria

Activity Name


Full or partial name of the activity.

Activity Number


Full or partial number of the activity.


Dropdown list

Facility where the activity is held.


Dropdown list

Season when the activity is scheduled.

Start Date/Time Range


Time and date range of the search.


The list of activities includes only those activities whose bookings start on or after the start date/time, and whose bookings all end on or earlier than the end date/time.


Dropdown list

The category of the activity.

Activity Type

Dropdown list

The type of the activity.


Dropdown list

The supervisor of the activity.


Dropdown list

The instructor of the activity.



The site where the activiity takes place.


Dropdown list

The status of the activity.


The following options are included on the Change Activity Fees page:

Name of Field Type Description

Fee Change

Percentage Increase


Percentage change to apply to all fees attached to the selected activities.


A positive value increases the fees by this percentage, while a negative value decrease the fees by this percentage.


If you enter a fixed amount in the Proposed field for individual fees, then you can override this percentage change for those fees.

Round to Nearest $


Nearest value to round the new fee amounts to.


The minimum is 0.01. Use this value to round to the nearest cent.


For example: Fees may be rounded to the nearest dollar (default value is 1.00) or nearest ten dollars (10.00) for simplicity of charges.

Activity / Fee


Read only

Name of the activity.


Read only

Activity number.


Read only

Description of the activity fee.


Read only

Current amount of the activity fee.



Proposed new amount for an individual fee.


This amount can override the percentage change specified in the Percentage Increase field above.


Note: This field displays the proposed new amount of a fee after entering the Percentage Increase value and clicking the Preview button. 


To override, manually enter the new amount in the field.

Click the Preview button after entering the Percentage Increase and Round to Nearest fields to display the calculated new fee amounts in the Proposed field.


Click the Revert button (after clicking on the Preview button) to revert the fee amounts to the previous value.


Click the Apply button (after clicking on the Preview button) to apply the new fee amounts in the Proposed column. The amounts in the Proposed column will be copied to the Current column, and these will be the new current fee amounts for the selected activities.