Changing standard charges

You can change standard charges in a batch for a group of similar fees.


You can change all of the selected fees by a specific percentage, or you can enter new amounts individually for each fee.

Location (Facilities)

      Choose one of the following:

      1. Go to Administration > Facility Settings > Change standard charges.

      2. Go to Administration > Financial Settings > Charges - Change Standard Facility.

Location (Equipment)


You can use the following criteria in your search:

Name of Field Type Description

Search Criteria

* One of Center, Facility, Facility Type, or Site is required.

Customer Type Dropdown list

The customer type of the charge.

Center* Dropdown list The center of the charge.



The facility of the charge.

Facility Type*

Dropdown list

The facility type of the charge.

Site* Dropdown list The site of the charge.
Defaults to All Sites to include charges from any site.
Event Type Dropdown list The event type attached to the charge.
Batch update fee changes scheduled by booking date Checkbox To batch update scheduled fee changes by booking date, select this checkbox.


The following fields are included on the Change Standard Facility Charges page:

Name of Field Type Description

Fee Change

If you have:

  • NOT selected the Batch update fee changes scheduled by booking date checkbox, then:

    1. Enter either an Increase % or Decrease % change that you want to apply to all of the fees attached to the selected standard charges.

    2. In the Round to Nearest field, enter an amount to round the fees to ($0.01 increments).

  • Selected the Batch update fee changes scheduled by booking date checkbox, then:

    1. Select an Effective Date (booking date, when the resource will be used) and enter the corresponding Charge Amount which will take effect on that date.

    2. To add another fee change, click Add New.

    3. To delete a fee change, click the corresponding Delete link.

    4. To see the effect of the above changes, click the Preview button and the click the Fee > Effective Date tabs.


Note: You can override these changes by entering a fixed amount in the Proposed field for individual fees.

Search Criteria

Customer Type

Dropdown list

The customer type attached to the charge.


Dropdown list

The center attached to the charge.



The facility attached to the charge.

Facility Type

Dropdown list

The facility type attached the charge.


Dropdown list

The site attached to the charge.


Defaults to All Sites to include charges from any site.

Event Type

Dropdown list

The event type attached to the charge.

Batch update fee changes scheduled by booking date Checkbox To batch update scheduled fee changes by booking date, select this checkbox.

Round to Nearest $


Nearest value to round the new fee amounts to.


The minimum is 0.01 to round to the nearest cent.


For example: You can round fees to the nearest dollar (default value is 1.00) or nearest ten dollars (10.00) to simplify your charges.


Effective Date


Click a tab to view the Proposed fee that takes effect from that date.


Read only

Description of the fee.


Read only

Current amount of the fee.



Proposed new amount for an individual fee.


This amount can override the percentage change specified in the Percentage Increase field.


Note: This field displays the proposed new amount of a fee after entering the Percentage Increase value and clicking Preview. To override, manually enter the new amount in the field.

Delete all existing scheduled fee changes and replace with the updates


Displayed only if the Batch update fee changes scheduled by booking date checkbox is selected.


Select this checkbox to delete all existing scheduled fees in the selected charges and replace them with this new set of scheduled fees.


If you want to merge this new set of scheduled fee updates into the existing scheduled fees in the selected charges, then do NOT select this checkbox.

To display the calculated new fee amounts in the Proposed field, click Preview after entering the Percentage Increase and Round to Nearest fields.


To revert the fee amounts to the previous value, click Revert (after clicking Preview).


To apply the new fee amounts in the Proposed column, click Apply (after clicking Preview). The amounts in the Proposed column are copied to the Current column, and these are the new current fee amounts for the selected standard charges.


Changing Standard Charges - Equipment

You can use the following criteria in your search:

Name of Field Type Description

Search Criteria

* One of Center, Facility, Facility Type, or Site is required.

Customer Type

Dropdown list

The customer type attached to the charge.


Dropdown list

The center attached to the charge.


Dropdown list

The equipment attached to the charge.

Equipment Package

Dropdown list

The equipment package attached to the charge.

Equipment Category

Dropdown list

The equipment category attached to the charge.

Equipment Type*

Dropdown list

The facility type attached the charge.


Dropdown list

The site attached to the charge.


Defaults to All Sites to include charges from any site.

Event Type

Dropdown list

The event type attached to the charge.


The following options are included on the Change Standard Equipment Charges page.

Name of Field Type Description

Fee Change

  1. Enter either an Increase % or Decrease % change that you want to apply to all the fees attached to the selected standard charges.

  2. In the Round to Nearest field, enter an amount to round the fees to ($0.01 increments).


Note: You can override these changes by entering a fixed amount in the Proposed field for individual fees.

Percentage Increase


Percentage change to apply to all the fees attached to the selected standard charges.


A positive value increases the fees, while a negative value decreases the fees.


To override the percentage change in fees, enter a fixed amount in the Proposed field for individual fees.

Search Criteria

Customer Type

Dropdown list

The customer type attached to the charge.


Dropdown list

The center attached to the charge.


Dropdown list

The equipment attached to the charge.

Equipment Package

Dropdown list

The equipment package attached to the charge.

Equipment Category

Dropdown list

The equipment category attached to the charge.

Equipment Type

Dropdown list

The facility type attached the charge.


Dropdown list

The site attached to the charge.


Defaults to All Sites to include charges from any site.

Event Type

Dropdown list

The event type attached to the charge.



Read only

Description of the fee.


Read only

Current amount of the fee.



Proposed new amount for an individual fee.


This amount can override the percentage change specified in the Percentage Increase field.


Note: This field displays the proposed new amount of a fee after entering the Percentage Increase value and clicking Preview. To override this amount, manually enter the new amount in the field.

To display the calculated new fee amounts in the Proposed field, click Preview after entering values in the Percentage Increase and Round to Nearest fields.


To revert the fee amounts to the previous value, click Revert (after clicking Preview).


To apply the new fee amounts in the Proposed column, click Apply (after clicking Preview). The amounts in the Proposed column are copied to the Current column, and these are the new current fee amounts for the selected standard charges.