Locker combinations

Use this page to assign locker combinations.

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Combination Lock Search page

Combination Lock Search Results


Click a Serial Number link to display the Change Combination Lock page, where you can modify a combination lock record.


The following options are included on the Combination Lock Search page:

Name of Field Type Description

Combination Lock Search Criteria

Serial Number


Serial number for the lock.


You can enter up to 10 numbers (for example: 1986754387).



Combination for the lock.


You can enter up to 8 numbers (for example: 13 - 65 - 97 - 84).

Show Only Available Locks?


Option to only display locks that are available in the search results.


If you leave this option deselected, all lockers appear in the search results.


The following options are included in the Combination Locks Search Results section:

Name of Field Type Description

Combination Lock Search Results

Serial Number


Serial number for the lock.


Click this link to go to the Change Combination Lock page, where you can modify a combination lock record.



Combination number assigned to the lock.


You can modify this number on the Change Combination Lock page.