Equipment category list

This page is used to view and modify equipment categories.

Where are they found?

    1. Select the Administration tab.

    2. Select the following menu links: Equipment Settings > Equipment categories.

How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Equipment Category List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Equipment Category Detail page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Equipment Category List page, clicking an underlined facility type Description displays the Change Equipment Category Detail page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Equipment Category Detail page, you will find the following input fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description
Description Text The name of the equipment category.


Dropdown list

The site that the equipment category is attached to, as selected from a predefined list.

Prevent Further Use?


Option to retire the equipment category from displaying in the list of returned equipment categories.

Hide On Internet?


Option to prevent equipment categories from showing up in the returned list of equipment category searches on the public access site.


Note that the activities associated with the site will also not be displayed.