
Favorites are shortcut links to specific areas within the program customized individually for each user.

Where are they found?

From the Front Desk, Reports, Communication or Administration tabs, select the following menu links:  Favorites > Manage Favorites.

How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Favorite Item List page, clicking on the Add New button will open the Change Favorite Item page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Favorite Item List page, clicking an underlined menu item displays the Change Favorite Item page, allowing you to change details as necessary.


The Change Favorite Item page contains the fields defined below, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

Favorite Item

Menu Item Dropdown list

Select the menu item that you want to add as a favorite, as selected from a predefined list of functional areas.


Display Name Text Enter a custom description for the menu item to be displayed in the favorites list.

Assign Profiles

Available Profiles

List box

Select one or more profiles to assign the Favorite item to.


Users with these profiles will see the favorite item in their Favorite menu.

Selected Profiles List box This list box displays the selected profiles from the Available Profiles list box.