Instructor role list

This page is used to define instructor pay rates and their associated default payroll settings. This will enable a given instructor to play a specific role in a given activity and to be paid by rates and calculations that are specific to that role.

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General Information

Default General Payroll Information

Default Up-Front Preparation Payroll Information

Default Ongoing Preparation Payroll Information


Administration > Registration Settings > Instructor Rates

Adding and Modifying

To add

From the Instructor Rate List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Instructor Rate Detail page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Instructor Rate List page, clicking an underlined List Name displays the Change Instructor Rate Detail page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Instructor Rate Detail page, you will find the following input fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

General Information



The name of the instructor rate.


Instructor Role Payrate Code


Enter the alphanumerical code which identifies a unique role or class of instructor.

Prevent  Further Use?


Select the checkbox to retire the instructor rate so that it can no longer be selected when searching for instructor rates.

Default General Payment Information

Fixed Fee


Default flat fee that the instructor rate will be paid regardless of the number of registrants, sessions, or fees collected.


Note: All default instructor fees may be overridden at the activity level.


If values are entered in the different fee fields, they will be applied together. For example: an instructor rate may be paid a Fixed Fee plus a Fee per Hour, Fee per Student, or Fee per Session, and a Percentage of Primary or All Fees.

Fee per Hour


Default fee per hour that the instructor rate will be paid.

Fee per Student


Default fee per student that the instructor rate will be paid.


This does not count customers on the waitlist or customers enrolled with deposit.

Fee per Session


Default fee per session (each meeting of the activity) that the instructor rate will be paid.

Percentage of All Fees


Default percentage of all registrant fees that will be paid to the instructor rate.

Percentage of Primary Fees


Default percentage of the registrant fees marked as primary fees that will be paid to the instructor rate.


Note: If the instructor rate is to be paid by percentage of primary fees only, and none of the activity fees are defined as a primary fee, the instructor rate will not receive any payment.

Fee per Student per Hour


Default fee per hour per student that the instructor will be paid.


Payroll will be calculated according to the attendance time multiplied by the number of students enrolled.


Note: Enrollees will be counted towards payroll only after their Enrollment Effective Dates.

Fee per Student per Session


Default fee per session per student that the instructor will be paid.


Payroll will be calculated according to the number of sessions attended multiplied by the number of students enrolled.


Note: Enrollees will be counted towards payroll only after their Enrollment Effective Dates.

Default Up-Front Preparation Payroll Information

Fixed Fee


Default total number of up-front preparation hours the instructor rate will be paid for regardless of the number of participants.


If values are entered in the different fee fields, they will be applied together.


For example: an instructor rate may be paid a Fixed Fee plus a Fee per Hour, Fee per Student, or Fee per Session, and a Percentage of Primary or All Fees.


Note: All default instructor rate fees may be overridden at the activity level.

Fee per Hour


Default fee per hour that the instructor rate will be paid for up-front preparation payroll.

Fee per Student


Default fee per hour that the instructor rate will be paid for up-front preparation payroll.


This does not count customers on the waitlist or customers enrolled with deposit

Percentage of All Fees


Default percentage of all fees that the instructor rate will be paid for up-front preparation payroll.

Percentage of Primary Fees


Default percentage of the registrant fees marked as primary fees that will be paid to the instructor rate for up-front preparation payroll.


Note: If the instructor rate is to be paid by percentage of primary fees only, and none of the activity fees are defined as a primary fee, the instructor rate will not receive any payment.

Default Ongoing Preparation Payroll Information

Fixed Fee


Default number of ongoing preparation hours that the instructor rate will be paid for regardless of the number of participants.


If values are entered in the different fee fields, they will be applied together.


For example: an instructor rate may be paid a Fixed Fee plus a Fee per Hour, Fee per Student, or Fee per Session, and a Percentage of Primary or All Fees.


Note: All default instructor rate fees may be overridden at the activity level.

Fee per Hour


Default fee per hour that the instructor rate will be paid for ongoing preparation payroll.

Fee per Student


Default fee per hour that the instructor rate will be paid for ongoing preparation payroll.


This does not count customers on the waitlist or customers enrolled with deposit

Percentage of All Fees


Default percentage of all fees that the instructor rate will be paid for ongoing preparation payroll.

Percentage of Primary Fees


Default percentage of the registrant fees marked as primary fees that will be paid to the instructor rate or ongoing preparation payroll.


Note: If the instructor rate is to be paid by percentage of primary fees only, and none of the activity fees are defined as a primary fee, the instructor rate will not receive any payment.

Hierarchy for Payroll Fields for Instructor Roles and Instructors

The hierarchy for default General, Up-Front preparation, and Ongoing preparation payroll information will be Instructor Rate default payroll settings followed by Instructor default settings. For example:

Instructor and Instructor Rate are selected.

Neither have a default payroll setting.

The payroll fields remain blank.

Instructor has a default payroll setting.

Instructor Role does not have a payroll setting.

The payroll fields will default to the instructor default payroll settings.

Instructor does not have a default payroll setting.

Instructor Role does have a default payroll setting.

The payroll fields will default to the instructor rate default payroll setting.

Instructor and Instructor Rate are selected.

Both have payroll settings.

The payroll fields will default to the instructor rate default payroll setting.


To add multiple pay-rates to instructor roles


The Change Instructor Role Pay-Rate page includes the following details:

Name of Field Type Description

Payrate Criteria

Parent Season

Dropdown list Select a parent season from the dropdown list.

Child Season

Dropdown list

Select a parent season from the dropdown list.

Activity Type

Dropdown list

Select an activity type from the dropdown list; the specific instructor role pay-rate will be applied to all the activities of this type.


Dropdown list

Select a department from the dropdown list; the specific instructor role pay-rate will be applied to all the activities assigned to this department.

Activity Category

Dropdown list

Select an activity category from the dropdown list; the specific instructor role pay-rate will be applied to all the activities within this category.

Activity Other Category

Dropdown list

Select an activity other category from the dropdown list; the specific instructor role pay-rate will be applied to all the activities within this category.

Start Date


Click the calendar.JPG button to select a start date.

End Date

Date Click the calendar.JPG button to select a end date.

Default General Payment Information

Fixed Fee


Default flat fee that the instructor rate will be paid regardless of the number of registrants, sessions, or fees collected.


Note: All default instructor fees may be overridden at the activity level.


If values are entered in the different fee fields, they will be applied together.


For example: an instructor rate may be paid a Fixed Fee plus a Fee per Hour, Fee per Student, or Fee per Session, and a Percentage of Primary or All Fees.

Fee per Hour


Default fee per hour that the instructor rate will be paid.

Fee per Student


Default fee per student that the instructor rate will be paid.


This does not include customers on the waitlist or customers enrolled with a deposit.

Fee per Session


Default fee per session (each meeting of the activity) that the instructor rate will be paid.

Percentage of All Fees


Default percentage of all registrant fees that will be paid to the instructor rate.

Percentage of Primary Fees


Default percentage of the registrant fees marked as primary fees that will be paid to the instructor rate.


Note: If the instructor rate is to be paid by percentage of primary fees only, and none of the activity fees are defined as a primary fee, the instructor rate will not receive any payment.

Default Up-Front Preparation Payroll Information

Fixed Fee


Default total number of up-front preparation hours the instructor rate will be paid for regardless of the number of participants.


If values are entered in the different fee fields, they will be applied together.


For example: an instructor rate may be paid a Fixed Fee plus a Fee per Hour, Fee per Student, or Fee per Session, and a Percentage of Primary or All Fees.


Note: All default instructor rate fees may be overridden at the activity level.

Fee per Hour


Default fee per hour that the instructor rate will be paid for up-front preparation payroll.

Fee per Student


Default fee per hour that the instructor rate will be paid for up-front preparation payroll.


This does not include customers on the waitlist or customers enrolled with a deposit.

Percentage of All Fees


Default percentage of all fees that the instructor rate will be paid for up-front preparation payroll.

Percentage of Primary Fees


Default percentage of the registrant fees marked as primary fees that will be paid to the instructor rate for up-front preparation payroll.


Note: If the instructor rate is to be paid by percentage of primary fees only, and none of the activity fees are defined as a primary fee, the instructor rate will not receive any payment.

Default Ongoing Preparation Payroll Information

Fixed Fee


Default number of ongoing preparation hours that the instructor rate will be paid for regardless of the number of participants.


If values are entered in the different fee fields, they will be applied together.


For example: an instructor rate may be paid a Fixed Fee plus a Fee per Hour, Fee per Student, or Fee per Session, and a Percentage of Primary or All Fees.


Note: All default instructor rate fees may be overridden at the activity level.

Fee per Hour


Default fee per hour that the instructor rate will be paid for ongoing preparation payroll.

Fee per Student


Default fee per hour that the instructor rate will be paid for ongoing preparation payroll.


This does not include customers on the waitlist or customers enrolled with a deposit.

Percentage of All Fees


Default percentage of all fees that the instructor rate will be paid for ongoing preparation payroll.

Percentage of Primary Fees


Default percentage of the registrant fees marked as primary fees that will be paid to the instructor rate or ongoing preparation payroll.

Note: If the instructor rate is to be paid by percentage of primary fees only, and none of the activity fees are defined as a primary fee, the instructor rate will not receive any payment.

To Delete an Instructor Role Pay-Rate

    1. Click the Edit button corresponding to the rate you want to delete in the role pay-rate table on the Change Instructor Role Detail page.

    2. Click the Delete button on the Change Instructor Role Pay-Rate page.

    3. Click OK.