Modify facility schedule date

This page is used to modify a facility schedule date of a particular event included in a permit.

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Check-in, Check-out Dates (for Regular Reservations)

Check-in, Check-out Dates (for Continuous Reservations)


Current Reservations for Facility

Where is it found?

    1. Select the Front Desk tab.

    2. Select the following menu links: Facility reserve > Permits.

    3. Search for and select the desired permit.

    4. Select the Change the Place / Date / Time link.

    5. Select the Modify link of a particular event.

    6. Select the Date link of a scheduled date.

How is it used?

The following fields are available in the Modify Facility Schedule Date page, with the option to Submit the changes or Delete the scheduled date:

Name of Field Type Description


Facility Dropdown list Name of facility reserved, as selected from a predefined list.
Clicking the binocular icon beside the field will open the Facility Search page, where a facility could be selected.
Note: If you change the facility in a permit, the fees are automatically adjusted on the Change Charges page. If the old fee has a payment plan attached, the payment plan is removed.
Attendance Numeric Expected attendance of the scheduled event.

Check-in, Check-out Dates (for Regular Reservations)

Date Date Date of the reservation, entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.
Time Time Start time of the reservation, entered in HH:MM AM/PM format.
Override Facility Closed Times? Checkbox Select the checkbox to allow reservation times beyond the facility's operating hours.
Override Skip Dates? Checkbox Select the checkbox to allow reservations for the facility even during holidays or skip dates.
Duration Time
Duration of the reservation, in number of hours and minutes.
Setup Time Time
Setup time required for the reservation, in number of hours and minutes.
This time will be reserved before the reservation start time and will be added to the total duration of the reservation.
For example, if a 15-minute setup is required for a booking at 9am, the facility will be reserved at 8:45am.
Cleanup Time Time
Cleanup time required for the reservation, in number of hours and minutes.
This time will be reserved after the reservation end time and will be added to the total duration of the reservation.
For example, if a 15-minute cleanup is required for a booking ending at 9am, the facility will be reserved up to 9:15am.

Check-in, Check-out Dates (for Continuous Reservations)

Check-in Date Date Check-in date of the reservation, entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.
Check-in Time Time Check-in time of the reservation, entered in HH:MM AM/PM format.
Check-out Date Date Check-out date of the reservation, entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.
Check-out Time Time Check-out time of the reservation, entered in HH:MM AM/PM format.
Setup Time Time
Setup time required for the reservation, in number of hours and minutes.
This time will be reserved before the check-in time and will be added to the total duration of the reservation.
For example, if a 15-minute setup is required for a booking at 9am, the facility will be reserved at 8:45am.
Cleanup Time Time
Cleanup time required for the reservation, in number of hours and minutes.
This time will be reserved after the check-out time and will be added to the total duration of the reservation.
For example, if a 15-minute cleanup is required for a booking ending at 9am, the facility will be reserved up to 9:15am.


Event Notes Text Additional notes about the event.

Current Reservations for Facility

Monthly Calendar Read only Lists all the reserved times for all the dates when the facility is booked.
Details Hyperlink Clicking the link will display the facility schedule detail for the week opposite the link in the monthly calendar.