Team/group categories

This page defines the team/group categories that can be attached to a team or group. Team/group categories determine the team/group payment scenario (for example: all members pay individually, or team/group pays a lump sum for all members) and the gender restrictions of teams/groups.


Team/group categories are assigned to activities to define the categories that can be selected for teams or groups. When a team/group is created, a team/group category will be selected from the list of categories assigned to the activity.

Where are they found?

    1. Select the Administration tab.

    2. Select the following menu links: Registration Settings > Team/Group categories.

How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Team/Group Category List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Team/Group Category Detail page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Team/Group Category List page, clicking an underlined team category Description link displays the Change Team/Group Category Detail page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Team/Group Category Detail page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description
Description Text

Description of the team/group category.


Team/Group Payment Scenario

Dropdown list

Team/group payment scenario that will be applied to teams/groups belonging to the team/group category, as selected from the following options:

  • Use default: The default team/group payment scenario selected for the activity will be applied.

  • All members pay individually: Each registrant pays upon registration; team/group contacts cannot pay for team members as a group.

  • All members pay individually; team/groups can pre-pay members: Team/group members can pay individually upon registration, or team/group contacts can pay for team or group members as a group.

  • Team/Group pays a lump sum for all members: Team/group contacts have to pay for all team or group members as a group; team/group members cannot pay individually.


Dropdown list

Gender restriction of teams/groups belonging to the team/group category, as selected from Male, Female, or left blank.


If no gender is selected (field is left blank), both male and female members will be allowed for the teams/groups.