Activity and package campaigns

Use this page to assign one or more donation campaigns to a specific activity.


Activity-specific campaigns are displayed on the enrollment page during registration for the specific activity only.


Campaigns that are not attached to any activity are global campaigns, and they are included in the campaign list on the Receipt Payment page during registration for any activity.


Campaigns that have been assigned to the activity are displayed in the Opt-in list, while unassigned campaigns (global campaigns) are displayed in the Opt-out list.


The following options are included on the Change Activity Campaign List page:

Name of Field Type Description
Opt-out Listbox List of all campaigns that you can assign to the activity or package. These are global campaigns unless you assign them to an activity or package.


Select a campaign, then click the right-arrow button to assign it to the activity or package (the campaign is transferred to the Opt-in listbox).

Opt-in Listbox Campaigns that are assigned to the activity or package. You can only make donations to these activity-specific campaigns during registration for the specific activity or package.


Select a campaign, then click the left-arrow button to remove it from the activity or package (the campaign is returned to the Opt-out listbox).

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Adding or modifying an activity