Activity and daycare program prerequisites

Activity and daycare program prerequisites are activities or daycare programs that enrollees must complete before they can enroll in the current activity.

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Name of Field Type Description


Activity or Daycare Name


The name of the activity or daycare program that has a prerequisite.

Activity Number


The activity number of the activity that has a prerequisite.

Uses Pass or Fail


The completion setting for the activity, as defined in the activity record.


If the activity uses Pass or Fail, then the enrollee must pass the prerequisite activity to enroll; otherwise, the enrollee must complete the activity prerequisite.


Note: Prerequisites for subactivities are independent of prerequisites for the parent activity. When you update prerequisites for a parent activity, you can choose whether or not to automatically update prerequisites for subactivities as well.

Prerequisite Activity

Search field

Activity name and number of the prerequisite activity. Enrollees must complete (or pass) the prerequisite activity before they can enroll in the current activity.


Note that you can add an activity or a membership package as a prerequisite, but not both.

Activity Number Mask


Activity number mask that you can use to include activities or daycare programs that are prerequisites for the current activity or programs.


For example: If the advanced level of an activity is numbered 3200.000 and the beginner level of an activity is numbered 3100.000 then make the mask 31* to retrieve all the 31 courses as a batch rather than choosing them individually.

Current Membership in

Search field 

Membership package that the enrollee must have to allow enrollment in the activity.


Note that you can add an activity or a membership package as a prerequisite, but not both.

Immediate sale?


Option to automatically include the sale of the prerequisite membership package in the transaction.


These fields do not display if the customer is already registered in the required membership.

Prerequisite Daycare

Search field 

Daycare prerequisite. Enrollees must complete (or pass) this daycare program to allow enrollment in the current daycare program.

Qualified Customer Skill

Dropdown list

Skill prerequisite. Enrollees must have this skill to enroll in the daycare program or activity.

Alternate Key Type

Search field

Enrollees must have this alternate key type to enroll in the daycare program or activity.

Alternate Key Status

Search field

Enrollees must have this alternate key status to enroll in the daycare program or activity.



  • If you select more than one alternate key status, then a customer can have either of the statuses to enroll.

  • If you select an alternate key type above but do not specify an alternate key status, then as long as the customer has the required alternate key type they will be able to enroll, regardless of their alternate key status.

Time Limit (for an activity)

Within the last


The prerequisite must have been completed within this number of years, months and/or days.


A prerequisite group includes all activities that satisfy the prerequisite requirement.


An enrollee requires only one of the prerequisites listed in the same group to fulfill the requirement. 


Enrollees must meet the requirements for all prerequisite groups before they can register in an activity.


For example:

Life Guarding Beginner requires completion of:

Level 6 swimming (1206.101 or 1206.102 1206.103 or 1206.201)

AND First Aid (1500.101 or 1500.201)

AND CPR (1520.101)


To create these prerequisites, group the Level 6 swimming in one group, the First Aid in another group and the CPR in a third group. This ensures that one of each of the groups must be complete prior to registration in Life Guarding Beginner.


Note: You can group "immediate sale" prerequisites with ordinary prerequisites.