Racing configuration

Use this page to configure racing fields for an activity.


The following options are included on the Racing configuration page:

Name of Field




Survey Block


Block of survey questions that appear on the confirmation card.

Racing Options

To enable these options, contact your ACTIVE account representative.

This Activity is a race?


Option to define this activity as a race.


This enables all racing options.

Manage bibs at sub-activities level?


Option to manage bibs at the sub-activity level (and so no longer manage them at the activity level).

Immediate bib assignment?


Option to enable immediate bib assignment during enrollment.


This feature is not available for online registrants until the race organizer has run an initial group creation. After this, you can run the batch bib assignment, which establishes a series of bib numbers. All subsequent registrants (including online registrants) can have their bib assignments at the time of registration.


If you disable this setting and there are registrants waiting to be batch bib assigned, then the system displays a warning that a batch bib assignment should be run. This is to honor the participants who registered first.


Note: If this setting is disabled, only staff whose profiles are assigned the permission to manually change bib numbers are able to assign bib numbers.

Enter expected finish time?


Option to enable the minimum and maximum expected finish time dropdown lists.


This enables participants to include their expected finish times during the registration process.

Manage bib groups by number of participants?


Option to manage bib groups by the number of participants.


Select this checkbox to create groups by the number of participants. Enter the maximum number of participants for the activity groups. ACTIVE Net then calculates the maximum expected finish time based on the registration up to this point, as well as the number of expected participants entered.


Disable this option to create groups by the expected finish time. Enter a maximum expected finish time for the activity groups. The maximum number of participants for the groups is only restricted by the bib numbers available.

Order batch bib assignment by

Radio buttons

Option to order the batch bib assignment either by:

Expected finishing time: Bibs are assigned according to participant's expected finish times (from fastest to slowest).

Name: Bibs are assigned according to alphabetical listing of participants.

Minimum expected finish time

Dropdown numbers

Minimum amount of time expected to finish the race.


Leave this time at it's default of 00:00:00 if a minimum finish time is not required.

Maximum expected finish time

Dropdown numbers

Maximum amount of time allotted to finish the race.


Leave this time at it's default of 00:00:00 if a maximum finish time is not required.

Confirmation cards available from


The date upon which the confirmation cards is made available to the participants through their online accounts.


(This is only relevant if the cards are being accessed online, otherwise the mailed cards are received via regular mail.)

Custom Question for Division

Dropdown list

List of all custom questions maintained in the system that you can attach to activities and their divisions (or daycare programs, membership packages, facility event types).


An activity can have multiple questions and a question can be attached to multiple activities.


Custom questions are asked when a customer registers for an activity.