Change payment plan details

Use this page to configure payment plans.

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Payment Plan Detail


Payment Plan Surcharge

Qualifying Customers and Companies


The following options are included on the Change Payment Plan Details page:

Name of Field



Payment Plan Detail



Name of the payment plan.

Default Payment Plan?


To set this payment plan as the default payment plan for the activity, select this checkbox.

Automatically Charge Credit Card?


Option to automatically charge credit card for the payment plan.

Allow Online?


Option to allow the registrant to use a payment plan when they register for an activity on the customer (public access) site.



Enter a description or instructions specific to the payment plan.


For example, you can include payment terms and conditions.


This text is displayed on all staff and public site pages where payment plans are displayed.


Initial Payment Due

Radio Button /


The initial payment the customer must pay towards the payment plan:

  • No Initial Payment

  • Fixed Amount

  • % of Total Due

  • Note: The percentage is displayed up to 4 decimal places (0.0000%).

  • Prepay the amount due in first payment cycle

  • Note: This option is only available when you select Fixed payment cycle from Payment Schedule Type dropdown list.

Payment Distribution for Balance

Radio Button

Distribute the balance due after the initial payment using the following method:

  • Evenly divide balance between scheduled payments.

    • Apply prorated amount from earliest to latest setting: activity charge installments are evenly distributed by the number of enrolled months, but the first installment is prorated by the ratio between the number of enrolled meeting dates and the total number of meeting dates in the first enrolled month.

If this is disabled, then activity charge installments are evenly distributed by the number of enrolled months.

  • Divide balance using custom % distribution scheduled below.

  • Note: This option is not available when you select Fixed payment cycle from Payment Schedule Type dropdown list.

  • Evenly divide balance by the number of meeting dates.

  • Note: This option is only available when you select Fixed payment cycle from Payment Schedule Type dropdown list.

Lead Time


You can specify a lead time before each due date.



This Lead Time field is enabled when:

• Payment Distribution for Balance is “Evenly divide balance between scheduled payments”, Payment Schedule for Balance is “Fixed payment cycle” and payment cycle is “Each activity meeting date”.

• Payment Distribution for Balance is “Evenly divide balance by number of meeting dates” and Payment Schedule for Balance is “Fixed payment cycle”.

Otherwise it is hidden.


Payment Schedule for Balance

In this section, customers can set the payment schedule types based on how they distribute the balance due after the initial payment in the Payment Distribution for Balance section.


Select a Payment Schedule Type from the dropdown list to set how often the payment should occur for the payment plan:

Specific dates

(Use this option to set specific dates when payments will be made.)

Number of days after date of sale

(Use this option to schedule payments a specific number of days after the date the customer purchased the activity enrollment. You can set multiple payment dates.)

Number of days after activity start date

(Use this option to schedule payments a specific number of days after the activity begins. You can set multiple payment dates.)

Fixed payment cycle

Select Evenly divide balance between scheduled payments from Payment Distribution for Balance, then select this option to display the Payment Cycle dropdown list:


Note: The Number of Payments box and First Due Date options will not display when you select Evenly divide balance by number of meeting dates from the Payment Schedule for Balance section.

For example: There is a daycare program which has 12 meetings and lasts for 3 months from May to July. The fee for each meeting is $10. There are three meetings in May, four meetings in June and five meetings in July. A customer enrolls in this daycare program and sets the payment plan as follows:


When the customer enrolls in the daycare program, he/she pays 30$ as the initial payment (May meetings; $10 x 3 meetings = $30). After that, when he/she takes part in the meetings, the payment occurs on the 10th of June ($40; $10 x 4 meetings) and the 10th of July ($50; $10 x 5 meetings).


Note: If customers have an automatic payment plan, when there are planned future payment dates, all past-due balances are charged on the next payment date.

Name of Field



Payment Plan Surcharge

Enable Payment Plan Surcharge?


Select this checkbox to configure details for the surcharge.


Note: The fields below are hidden until you select this checkbox.

Primary Charge

Charge Name

Dropdown list

The name of the charge to attach to the fee.

General Information



To add a fee (scholarship, discount, etc.) to an existing registration without needing to re-register a participant, select the corresponding Include checkbox.

Charge Name


The charge name selected for the fee.


This field defaults to the text from the above Charge Name field but may be modified.

Charge Type

Dropdown list

The options are:

  • Fee - This fee is charged to the customer (the Fee Information section is displayed).

  • Discount - Indicates this is a discount that can be applied to fees (the Discount Information section is displayed).

Customer Type

Dropdown list

The customer type to attach to the fee.


Customer types are the primary method of dividing the customer base for facility charges.



Description of the charge to attach to the fee.


Clicking the 'down facing' black arrow increases the size of the box.


Clicking the 'up facing arrow' decreases the size of the box.

Fee Information

G/L Account

Dropdown list

The general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee goes.


This field defaults to:

  • The G/L account from the activity category attached to the activity.

  • The G/L account from the charge record if there is no G/L account in the activity category (or if no activity category is attached to the activity).


Required (if charge is not a discount).

Charge Amount


The amount of this fee.


If you entered a default amount when creating the charge record, this field defaults to that amount, but you can change it as necessary.


Note: This is an optional field, so you can use a zero dollar value for the fee if you want to use it for tracking purposes.



Option to determine if you can apply discounts to this fee.

Exclude from Payment Plans?


Option to exclude this fee from payment plans.

Tax Information

Taxable by?


Option to select the taxes to charge for this activity.

Charge - Prefill

Prefill Condition (Override)

Dropdown list

The condition under which this fee is automatically charged:


  • Never: The fee is displayed but is not charged automatically, unless manually selected.

  • Always: The fee is always charged automatically, unless deselected.

  • If Resident: The fee is charged automatically if the customer is a resident.

  • If Non-resident: The fee is charged automatically if the customer is a non-resident.

  • If Minor: The fee is charged automatically if the customer qualifies as a minor based on the system setting age for minors.

  • If Senior: The fee is charged automatically if the customer qualifies as a senior based on the system setting age for seniors.

  • If Internet: The fee is charged automatically if the transaction is on the customer (public access) site.

  • If Member: The fee is charged automatically if the customer has a current membership.

  • If Non-member: The fee is charged automatically if the customer does not have a current membership.


All fees with applicable prefill conditions are charged.


For example: If the prefill condition on one fee is Resident and the prefill condition on another fee is Member, and the customer is a resident member, both fees are charged.

Age Qualification

Minimum Age


The minimum registrant age required to be eligible for the fee.


If left at 0 or blank, there is no minimum age requirement.

Maximum Age


The minimum registrant age required to be eligible for the fee.


If left at 0 or blank, there is no minimum age requirement.


Activation Date


Date when the activity fee is in effect.

Expiration Date


Date when the activity fee is longer in effect.

Qualifying Customers and Companies

In this section, you can specify customer types, customers, and customer companies which can use the payment plan.


To Specify a Customer Type

    1. Click Customer Type.

    2. On the Customer Type List page, select one or more customer types.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove customer types, you can select a customer type in the list then click Remove to the right.

To Specify Customers

    1. Click Customers and then enter some search criteria. The customer search results will be displayed on the Select Customer List page.

    2. On the Select Customer List page, select one or more customers.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the customers, you can select a customer in the list then click Remove to the right.

To Specify Companies

    1. Click Companies and then enter some search criteria. The company search results will be displayed on the Select Company List page.

    2. On the Select Company List page, select one or more companies.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the companies, you can select the company in the list then click Remove to the right.


Note: If you have specified one or more customer types, customers, or companies, then when you are applying the payment plan at the front desk the system will check to see if the customer meets the qualifying criteria.