Home > Administration > League settings > Leagues > League hierarchy
Leagues are maintained independently or with sub-leagues. The most common composition of a league hierarchy is league/conference/division. However, if a league only has one level of sub-leagues, the most common composition is league/division.
In order to manage a wide variety of sport structures, ACTIVE Net has the ability to set up leagues and tournaments in any combination of parent/child relationships; where leagues are for regular season play and tournaments are for end of season playoffs or one-off tournaments.
To maintain a parent/child structure, leagues can be attached to other leagues where the lowest level is the league in which registration occurs (through an attached activity), to which a schedule is attached, and to which teams and players are assigned.
Overall league (for example: Youth Soccer)
Conference/division/region etc (e.g. Boys, Girls, Co-ed)
League (for example: 'Ages 8-10', 'Ages 10-12', 'Ages 12-14' etc)
This final level league or tournament would be attached to an activity for registration purposes, the naming of the activity can correspond with the naming of the league. Attaching an activity can be done after the league is scheduled. This ensures agencies can prepare their league schedules well in advance of registration.
For example:
Youth Soccer League
Boys Youth Soccer League
North Boys Youth Soccer League = North Boys Youth Soccer Activity
East 10-12 Boys Youth Soccer League = East Boys Youth Soccer Activity
SouthWest 12-14 Boys Youth Soccer League = SouthWest Boys Youth Soccer Activity
Boys Youth Soccer Tournament = Boys Youth Soccer Tournament Activity
North Girls Youth Soccer League = North Girls Youth Soccer Activity
East Girls Youth Soccer League = East Girls Youth Soccer Activity
SouthWest Girls Youth Soccer League = SouthWest Girls Youth Soccer Activity
Girls Youth Soccer Tournament = Girls Youth Soccer Tournament Activity
North Co-ed Youth Soccer League = North Co-ed Youth Soccer Activity
East Co-ed Youth Soccer League = East Co-ed Youth Soccer Activity
SouthWest Co-ed Youth Soccer League = SouthWest Co-ed Youth Soccer Activity
Co-ed Youth Soccer Tournament = Co-ed Youth Soccer Tournament Activity
If a league has any child leagues attached to it, the option to attach an activity to that league is removed.
You can keep adding new levels of child leagues beneath existing leagues until an activity is attached to a child league. At that point, there can be no further child leagues attached underneath the league with the attached activity. For this reason, the link from the league name to further navigate league hierarchy is disabled once a league has an activity attached to it.
Note: It is not required that a league have sub-leagues; this is simply used for grouping of leagues and reporting purposes.