Load street database

Load Street Database is a utility to import your streets with the city, postal code, area and residency from a CSV file. This CSV file would need to be provided by your GIS (geographic information systems) department, from USPS or Canada Post.


ACTIVE Netprovides the option to manually enter the residency each time an address is typed. Alternatively, a street database can be maintained so that when a new address is entered, the street, city and postal code are verified in the database. If found, the residency will be automatically populated.


Importing your addresses can save significant time when creating a new customer and will help ensure data accuracy.


Customers creating their own account online do not have the option of validating the address in the database and must type the city and postal code.

Where is it found?

    1. Select the Administration tab.

    2. Select the following menu links: Locations > Load Street Database.


If modifications need to be made to individual streets, cities, or postal codes after loading, the individual options can also be found in Location Settings.

How does it work?

CSV (Comma Separated Values) format is assumed for the data. Commas are used to delimit fields. Fields which contain a comma or begin with a double-quote must be enclosed in double-quotes; otherwise double-quotes are optional. To obtain a double-quote within a quoted field, two double-quotes must be used. Leading and trailing blanks on fields are ignored.

To import text in French and Spanish, use a UTF-8 encoded CSV file.



The first record of the file is assumed to be a list of the field names.


The following fields can be included:

Name of Field Type Description
Location of Street CSV File Text

Browse to or enter the path name to the location of the CSV file with GIS information.


Reload Entire File Checkbox
  • To discard the current street database and replace it with the new file (no new duplicates will be created), select this checkbox.

  • To keep the current street database and add the streets in the new file to it (duplicates may be created if the same streets exist in both files), disable this checkbox.