Adding or modifying a locker

Lockers are rentable storage facilities within a locker room. Locker rooms are assigned to a center. Lockers are defined within locker rooms, and are assigned sizes, rental time periods, and locker combinations (optional). Locker fees can be defined and attached to lockers based on locker size.


Note: The name of this page will change if the Locker name has been changed in Facility Configuration.

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Add Multiple Locker page

Change Locker Details page

Where are they found?

    1. Select the Administration tab.

    2. Select the following menu links: Facility Settings > Locker room*.

    3. Select the desired locker room.

    4. Select the Change Locker link.


*Note: The menu option will change if the Locker room wording has been changed in Facility Configuration.

How are they added or modified?

To add multiple lockers

You can create by batch a series of lockers with the same prefix and/or suffix in their names, but with different locker numbers. For example: East 1 Male, East 2 Male, East 3 Male.


From the Locker List page, click Add New Lockers to display the Add Multiple Locker page with the following input fields, and the option to Submit at the bottom of the page:


Note: * denotes required field.

Name of Field Type Description

Add Multiple Locker

Prefix Text

The prefix of the locker name.


All locker names will begin with this text.

Suffix Text

The suffix of the locker name.


All locker names will end with this text.

From Number* Numeric The starting number of the lockers to create.
The locker numbers will start from this number up to the To number entered.
To Number* Numeric The ending number of the lockers to create.
Exclude Dropdown list Option to exclude even or odd numbers from the locker number series.
Size Dropdown list Locker size of the lockers to create, as selected from a predefined list.
Time Period Dropdown list Rental time period for the lockers, as selected from Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly.

After the batch of lockers have been created and displayed on the Locker List page, each locker can be modified to enter specific information about each locker.


To add a locker individually or modify locker details

From the Locker List page, clicking an underlined locker Name link displays the Change Locker Details page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


To add a new locker individually, click Add New Locker to display the Change Locker Details page, where a new locker record can be created.


On the Change Locker Details page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

Locker Details

Name* Text

The name of the locker.


Description Text Description of the locker
Size Dropdown list Size of the locker, as selected from a predefined list.
Note: Locker size can determine the locker fee charged.

Combination Lock


The serial number for the combination lock.


Clicking the binocular icon binocular2.JPG will display the Combination Lock Search Criteria page where you can search for and select a combination lock serial number.


Clicking the selected Serial Number link in the search results will automatically populate the Combination Lock field with the lock's serial number. (The Combination field will also be automatically populated with the lock's combination number).


Note that this field should not be used if your agency has:

  • Lockers with built in combination locks

  • Lockers with pre-attached locks


Note the if your agency hands out combination locks to customers at the time of the locker reserve, the combination lock can be assigned when they reserve the locker, and this field should be left blank.



The combination number of the lock.


This field will be automatically populated with the lock's combination number when the Combination Lock field serial number is selected.


Note that if your agency hands out combination locks to customers at the time of the locker reserve, the combination number can be assigned when they reserve the locker, and this field should be left blank.

Time Period

Dropdown list

Rental time period of the locker, as selected from Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly.

Click the Go back to Locker Room Functions link to go back to the Locker Room Functions page.

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