Adding or modifying a package category

You can use package categories to define who your different membership packages are intended for. You can set up your package categories by age group, or to designate family or group memberships.


    1. Go to Administration > Membership Settings > Package Categories.

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. Enter the Category name.

    4. Enter a brief Description of the package category.

    5. To hide the membership package category in the public site/CUI, select the Hide on Internet? checkbox.

    6. To retire the membership package category and prevent further usage of it and all membership packages belonging to the membership package category, select the Prevent Further Use checkbox.

    7. For jurisdictions where offering automatic membership renewals is prohibited, unselect the Show Automatically Renew Option Online? checkbox (selected by default) to hide the option to automatically renew this membership package from consumers when they purchase a membership package of this package category in the CUI.

    8. To include packages in this category in the Membership Joined and Terminated report, the Membership Retention report, and the Membership Summary report, select the Retention Eligible checkbox if it is visible.

    9. To specify that membership packages within this category qualify for sales commission, select Qualifies for Commission, if applicable.

    10. Select an search channel to categorize the package category for easier searching through the public interface:

    11. Note: These channels are used to constrain which channels and sub-channels are available to select at the package level for membership packages in this category.

    12. Click Save.

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Adding or modifying a membership package