Change permit notes / disclaimers

This page is used to view or change the permit notes and disclaimers attached to a permit.

Where is it found?

    1. Select the Front Desk tab > Reserve > Permits.

    2. Search for and select the desired activity.

    3. Select the Change the Notes / Disclaimers link.

How is it used?

The following fields are available in the Change Permit Notes / Disclaimers page, with the option to Save any changes at the bottom of the page:


Note: If you do not have permission to make transactions on multiple sites and this permit was not reserved at your site, you cannot make any changes on this page.

Name of Field Type Description

Permit Notes

Permit Notes Text

Additional notes to attach to the permit. These notes are not printed on the permit but are viewed in this page only.


Disclaimers Checkbox

Select the disclaimers that will be attached to the permit.

Facility Reservation Transactions

Event Read only Event name of the reservation.
Type Read only Event type of the reservation.
Facility Read only Name of facility reserved.
Schedule Read only Schedule type of the reservation.
The schedule type determines whether charges are to be applied to the reservation.
Staff Notes Text Notes for agency staff use only.
These notes are not printed on the permit.
Customer Notes Text Notes for the customer that are printed on the permit.

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