Postal codes

Postal codes are the same as zip codes and are used to help you and the postal service to ensure proper mail delivery.

Prerequisite Components

Prior to entering the postal codes, the following data points must be configured:


Where are they found?

    1. Select the Administration tab.

    2. Select the following menu links: Locations > Postal codes.

How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Postal Code List page, clicking the Add New button will bring you to the Change Postal Code page, allowing you to create the details for a new record.


To modify

From the Postal Code List page, clicking an underlined Postal Code displays the Change Postal Code page, allowing you to make the necessary changes.


The Change Postal Code page contains the following field, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description
Postal Code Text

The postal code being added to the database.  


This field accepts both the 5 and 9 digit format for US zip codes as well as the 6 character format for Canadian postal codes.


City Dropdown list The city for which this postal code is valid, as selected from a predefined list of cities.
Resident * Checkbox Select this checkbox if the postal code being created designates addresses that would be considered to be residents of your city or county.
If your agency does not wish to differentiate between residents and non-residents, this field may be ignored.

* If a customer record does not have residency assigned, residency is determined as follows:


In no case does ACTIVE Net declare a customer to not be a resident, so if they are marked as a resident on the customer record they will remain a resident regardless of the settings in the geographic area, the postal code and the street.