Refund charge

Refund charges are administrative fees that are paid by the customer when refunding a transaction.


Refund charges are normally deducted from a customer's refund amount if the refund amount can cover the charge.

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Refund Charges

Transfer Charges

Where are they found?

How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Refund Charge List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Refund Charge page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Refund Charge List page, clicking an underlined Module name displays the Refund Charge page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Refund Charge page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description


Module Dropdown list

Name of module where the refund charge will be applicable, as selected from the following list of modules: Registration, Membership, Daycare, Point of Sale, Facility Reservation.


Site Dropdown list Site where the refund charge will be applicable, as selected from a predefined list.
Selecting All Sites will make the charge applicable to all sites.
Description Text Description of the refund charge.
General Ledger Account Dropdown list GL account where the refund charge will be credited.

Refund Charges

Note that advanced refund options appears only when the advanced refund feature is enabled.

Percentage of Charges Numeric Percentage of the transaction fees that will be the amount of the refund charge.
Refund charge is calculated based on transaction amount, regardless of whether the customer has paid the amount partially or fully.
For example, if transaction fees = $100 and refund charge percentage = 5%, then refund charge = $5.
Percentage of Amount Paid Numeric Percentage of payment already made by the customer that will be the amount of the refund charge.
Refund charge is calculated only on amount paid by customer, either partial or full, regardless of transaction amount.
For example, if amount paid = $100 (regardless of amount of transaction) and percentage of amount paid = 5%, then refund charge = $5.
Allow authorized users to waive refund charges Checkbox

This setting appears when the module is set to Registration or Membership.

If enabled, only staff users whose user profiles have been granted Full Access to the AUI > Administration > System Settings > System User Profiles > Add New button or an existing profile > Function and Report Authorities > Function Options > new Front Desk: Financial - Refund charges - Waive refund charges permission can waive this refund charge.

If disabled, all staff users cannot waive this refund charge.

Only applies to withdrawals Checkbox

This setting appears when the module is set to Registration or Membership.

If enabled, this refund charge is applied only if customers withdraw from this activity. If customers do not withdraw from this activity, then this refund charge is 0.

If disabled, during the refund, whether customers withdraw has no effect on whether the refund charge is applied.

Only applies when NO subsidies were used to pay for the transaction Checkbox

This setting appears when the module is set to Registration or Membership.

Note that this setting is only effective when the subsidy feature is enabled.

If enabled, the refund charge is applied only if no subsidy is used to pay for the transaction. If a subsidy is used to pay, then this refund charge is 0.

If disabled, paying with or without a subsidy has no effect on whether this refund charge is applied.

Only applies when the refund amount is greater than the refund charge Checkbox

This setting appears when the module is set to Registration or Membership.

If this setting is enabled and the refund amount is less than or equal to the refund charge, then this refund charge is 0.

If this setting is enabled and the refund amount is greater than the refund charge, then the refund charge is charged normally.

If disabled, the refund amount has no effect on whether the refund charge is charged.

Transfer Charges

Note that advanced transfer options appears only when the advanced refund feature is enabled.

Fixed Amount Numeric Fixed dollar amount to charge for transfer transactions.
Percentage of Charges Numeric Percentage of the transaction fees that will be the amount of the transfer charge.
Transfer charge is calculated based on transaction amount, regardless of whether the customer has paid the amount partially or fully.
For example, if transaction fees = $100 and transfer charge percentage = 5%, then transfer charge = $5.
Allow authorized users to waive transfer charges Checkbox

This setting appears when the module is set to Registration.

If enabled, only staff users whose user profiles have been granted Full Access to the AUI > Administration > System Settings > System User Profiles > Add New button or an existing profile > Function and Report Authorities > Function Options > new Front Desk: Financial - Refund charges - Waive refund charges permission can waive this transfer charge.

If disabled, all staff users cannot waive this transfer charges.  

Only applies once the second class starts Checkbox

This setting appears when the module is set to Registration.

If this setting is enabled and the transfer occurs before the start of the second class (the start time of the second activity meeting date), then this transfer charge is not applied.

If this setting is enabled and the transfer occurs after the second class starts, then the transfer charge is applied.

If disabled, when does the transfer occur has no effect on whether the transfer charge is charged.

Only applies when NO subsidies were used to pay for the transaction Checkbox

This setting appears when the module is set to Registration.

Note that this setting is only effective when the subsidy feature is enabled.

If enabled, the transfer charge is applied only if no subsidy is used to pay for the transaction. If a subsidy is used to pay, then this transfer charge is 0.

If disabled, paying with or without a subsidy has no effect on whether this transfer charge is applied.

Only applies when the refund amount is greater than the transfer charge checkbox. Checkbox

This setting appears when the module is set to Registration.

If this setting is enabled and the refund amount is less than or equal to the transfer charge, then this transfer charge is 0.

If this setting is enabled and the refund amount is greater than the transfer charge, then the transfer charge is charged normally.

If disabled, the refund amount has no effect on whether the transfer charge is charged.