
The sessions define the specific dates and times of the occurrence of each specific daycare class. The sessions are attached to daycare programs, for which the customer registers. Sessions can be attached to more than one program.


For example: A daycare program may have both before and after school components. Clients can register in the before portion, the after portion or both for a reduced rate. In this case you would set up 2 sessions (before and after) and 1 program. Setting the minimum and maximum registrants at the session level ensures that the number of registrants is limited over the 2 programs.


A single session can now be shared between different roll-over programs. What this means is that customers can now prepay for a roll-over program and receive a discount for doing so. A new requirement for this option is that all sessions in a roll-over program end on the same date.

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General Information

Enrollment Restrictions




Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up daycare sessions, the following data points must be configured:

Program Types


Where are they found?

    1. Select the Administration tab.

    2. Select the following menu links: Daycare Settings > Sessions.

    3. Select the program type for the desired sessions.

How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Daycare Session List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Daycare Session page, allowing you to create a new record.


To copy

From the Daycare Session List page, clicking the Copy link on a selected session brings you to the Change Daycare Session page, with the defaults of the selected session copied, allowing you to create a new record based on the existing one.


To modify details

From the Daycare Session List page, clicking an underlined Session displays the Change Daycare Session page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Daycare Session page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

General Information

Session name Text

The name of the session as selected when maintaining a program and as displayed on the customer side (for example: After School Care).


Description Text A brief description of the session.
This description will show on the customer side when registering in a program.
Program Type Dropdown list The program type for this session, as selected from a predefined list.
Facility Dropdown list The facility where the daycare classes will be held, as selected from a predefined list or by clicking the binocular icon beside the field, to launch the Facility Search page, from which a facility could be selected.
Don't reserve facility? Checkbox Option to not reserve the facility when creating a session.
This option might be selected if the facility was being shared between multiple programs.

Dropdown list

The site assigned to the session, as selected from a predefined list.


The site selected will be the only site where the session can be used, unless the user has multi-site permission.


Selecting All Sites will make the session available to all sites.

Allow online registration?


Option to disable online registration for a program session (checked by default).

  • If this checkbox is checked, then in the CUI, Flex Registration programs in the session are marked as open for registration.
  • If this checkbox is unchecked, then in the CUI, Flex Registration programs in the session are not available for registration.

Prevent further use?


Option to retire the session so that it will no longer appear when maintaining a daycare program.

Enrollment Restrictions

Minimum Enrollment


Minimum number of customers who can be enrolled in the session.


This number of customers is per individual day.


Maximum Enrollment Numeric Maximum number of customers who can be enrolled in the session.
This number of customers is per individual day.
If the maximum is 15, there may be more than this registered in the whole program but a maximum of only 15 people on any given day.

Minimum Classes Online


The minimum classes per session that the customer can enroll in when registering on the customer (public access) site.


For example: if the minimum number of classes is set to '1' and the maximum number of classes is set to '2', the customer will be able to register in 1 to 2 classes for that particular session.

Maximum Classes Online


The maximum classes per session that the customer can enroll in when registering on the customer (public access) site.


For example: if the minimum number of classes is set to '1' and the maximum number of classes is set to '2', the customer will be able to register in 1 to 2 classes for that particular session.

Trial Class Capacity


Number of seats available for attending the class on a trial basis.


Note that trial class capacity is treated as numbers beyond the normal capacity, and so does not affect the regular daycare session registration capacity.


First Date Date Date of first class.
Last Date Date Date of last class.


Days of Week Checkboxes Days of the week when the session will occur.
Includes all days when it will occur and removes individual dates as required after.
Minimum one day required.
Week of Month Checkboxes Include the weeks of the month when the session will occur.
Minimum one week required.


Beginning Time Time The beginning time of each class.
Individual times can be modified on a daily basis after the classes have been created.
Ending Time Time The ending time of each class.
Individual times can be modified on a daily basis after the classes have been created.
Prep Code Dropdown Displayed only if the selected Facility supports prep codes.
Select the required prep code for setting up and cleaning up the facility.
Setup Time (minutes) Numeric Displayed only if the selected Facility supports prep codes.
Displays the setup time (in minutes) for the facility. You may enter a different setup time if required (doing so will clear the selected Prep Code and corresponding Cleanup Time).
Include setup in program time Checkbox Displayed only if the selected Facility supports prep codes.
Select to schedule the setup time during the program time at the beginning of the program time.
Unselect to schedule the setup time before the start of the program time.
Cleanup Time (minutes) Numeric Displayed only if the selected Facility supports prep codes.
Displays the cleanup time (in minutes) for the facility. You may enter a different cleanup time if required (doing so will clear the selected Prep Code and corresponding Setup Time).
Include cleanup in program time Checkbox Displayed only if the selected Facility supports prep codes.
Select to schedule the cleanup time during the program time at the end of the program time.
Unselect to schedule the cleanup time after the end of the program time.

Dressing room

Displayed only if the selected Facility supports dressing rooms..

- Checkbox Select the dressing rooms to include in this session.
Dressing Room Text Name of the dressing room.
Pair with room Text Name of the dressing room paired with this dressing room.
Selecting any dressing room which is paired with another dressing room automatically also selects the other dressing room.
Gender Dropdown Select the gender (Male, Female or Mixed) of the occupant of this dressing room.
Occupant Dropdown Select the occupant of this dressing room.
Home/Away Dropdown Select if the occupant of this dressing room is either a Home or Away participant/team.