Skip dates

Skip dates are dates when facilities are closed. No enrollments or facility reservation can be made on the skip dates. Skip dates can be either system-wide, or site-specific.


Note: The skip dates at a particular facility include all of the system-wide dates in addition to the skip dates specific to that site.

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Skip Dates


Facility Rental Qualifications

Equipment Rental Qualifications


To access the Skip Date List page, perform one of the following:



Note: By default, skip dates are hidden if they occur in the past and they do not occur every year (i.e. the Skip every year checkbox is cleared). To display these skip dates, click Show past skip dates on the system Skip Dates page (to show all past skip dates system-wide), or any Site page (to show all past skip dates for that site only).

Adding and Modifying

To add

From the Skip Date List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Skip Date page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Skip Date List page, clicking an underlined Date displays the Change Skip Date page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Skip Date page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

Skip Dates

Description Text The name of the skip date.
Date From, Date To, Time From, Time To Date, Time

Enter a start date and end date in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon .


This creates a skip date range.


To create a skip date for a single day, set the Date From and Date To to the same date.


Modify the Time From and Time To times, if necessary.


Note: For a skip date that extends over more than one day, the skip date is in effect at all times between the Time From of the first date of the skip date to the Time To of the last date of the skip date.

Skip every year? Checkbox Option to make this date a skip date every year regardless of the year entered in the above date field.


Apply to Checkboxes Select the ACTIVE Net modules that are affected by this skip date.
Disable any modules that are open for enrollment or reservation on the skip date.
Note: If you have some facilities or equipment that are available on this skip date and some that aren't, then leave Facility and/or Equipment selected in the Modules subsection and use the subsections below to enable or disable individual facilities or equipment.

Facility Rental Qualifications

Use the facility list in this section to specify the facilities that are open or closed on skip dates:


  • If a facility is closed on this skip date, select its checkbox to specify that it is affected by the skip date.

  • If a facility is open on this skip date, leave its checkbox disabled to specify that it is not affected by the skip date.


Note: To select or disable the checkboxes for all of the facilities in a specific center, select or disable the center's checkbox.

Filter list by Site List To narrow down the facility list and display only facilities from a specific site, select the site that you want to view.
Filter list by Center List To narrow down the facility list and display only facilities from a specific center, select the center that you want to view.
Note: To select multiple centers, hold down Ctrl while clicking the centers that you want to view.
Filter list by Types List To narrow down the facility list and display only specific facility types, select the facility types that you want to view.
Note: To select multiple facility types, hold down Ctrl while clicking the facility types that you want to view.

Equipment Rental Qualifications

Use the equipment list in this section to specify the equipment that is or is not available on skip dates:


  • If equipment is not available on this skip date, select its checkbox to specify that it is affected by the skip date.

  • If equipment is available on this skip date, leave its checkbox disabled to specify that it is not affected by the skip date.


Note: To select or disable the checkboxes for all of the equipment in a specific center, select or disable the center's checkbox.

Filter list by Site List To narrow down the equipment list and display only equipment from a specific site, select the site that you want to view.
Filter list by Center List To narrow down the equipment list and display only equipment from a specific center, select the center that you want to view.
Note: To select multiple centers, hold down Ctrl while clicking the centers that you want to view.
Filter list by Types List To narrow down the equipment list and display only specific equipment types, select the equipment types that you want to view.
Note: To select multiple equipment types, hold down Ctrl while clicking the equipment types that you want to view.