Subscription lists

Subscription lists are used to send regular email or postal mail communications to customers who subscribe to the list. Customers can subscribe to a list when creating or editing a customer record.


Note: Subscription lists are not to be confused with interest lists, which groups people together without requiring customers to sign up. For example, people who enrolled in Diving may be automatically included in the Aquatics interest list for future marketing notification, but they need to sign up to be included in the Youth diving Club newsletter subscription list.

Where are they found?

How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Subscription Lists page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Subscription List Detail page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Subscription Lists page, clicking an underlined List Name displays the Change Subscription List Detail page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Subscription List Detail page, you will find the following input fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description
List Name Text

The name of the subscription list.



Additional description of the subscription list.


If you want to view more of the text at once, click the downward facing arrow to expand the textbox.


You can collapse the textbox again by clicking the upward facing arrow.

Show description online?


  • To display the description for the subscription list on the public site, select Show description online.

  • To hide the description for the subscription list on the public site, leave the checkbox blank.

Interest List

Select one or more interest lists to attach to a subscription list. See Interest Lists.

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