Customer statement report

Use this report to get information about a customer's (or family's) payment status for activities during a particular period.


Reports > Population Reports > Customer Statement


Select any or all of the following filters for this report:

Setup Customer Filter

    1. Click the Customers link to pop-up the Customer Search page and then enter some search criteria to search the customers. The customer search results will be displayed on the Select Customer List page.

    2. From the Select Customer List page, select the customers.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the customers, you can select the customer in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Customer Type Filter

    1. Click the Customer Type link to pop-up the Customer Type List page.

    2. From the Customer Type List page, select the customer types.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the customer types, you can select the customer type in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Participant Filter

    1. Click the Participant link to pop-up the Customer Search page and then enter some search criteria to search the customers. The customer search results will be displayed on the Select Customer List page.

    2. From the Select Customer List page, select the customers.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the customers, you can select the customer in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Season Filter

    1. Click the Season link to pop-up the Season List page.

    2. From the Season List page, select the seasons.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the seasons, you can select the season in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Term Filter

    1. Click the Term link to pop-up the Term List page.

    2. From the Term List page, select the terms.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the terms, you can select the term in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Transaction Date/Time Filter (Required)

    1. Click the calendar icon  and select a Beginning Date for the transaction from the pop-up calendar.

    2. Click the calendar icon and select an End Date for the transaction from the pop-up calendar.

    3. The day of the week field beside the calendar icon will automatically be filled up.

Setup Transaction Site Filter

    1. Click the Transaction Site link to pop-up the Site List page.

    2. From the Site List page, select the transaction sites.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the transaction sites, you can select the transaction site in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Due Date Filter

    1. Click the calendar icon  and select a Date that the charge is due from the pop-up calendar.

    2. The day of the week field beside the calendar icon will automatically be filled up.

    3. Note: The current date will be used as due date if there is no due date filled.

Setup Alternate Key Value Filter

    1. Click the Alternate Key Value link to pop-up the Alternate Key Value Select page and then enter some criteria to define the alternate key value.

    2. From the Select Customer List page, click Submit and Add Another to select another alternate key value.

    3. Click Done. To remove the customers, you can select the customer in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Package Filter

    1. Click the Package link to pop-up the Package Search page and then enter some search criteria to search the packages. The package search results will be displayed on the Select Package List page.

    2. From the Select Package List page, select the packages.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the packages, you can select the package in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Daycare Program Type Filter

    1. Click the Daycare Program Type link to pop-up the Program Type List page.

    2. From the Program Type List page, select the daycare program types.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the daycare program types, you can select the daycare program type in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Daycare Program Filter

    1. Click the Daycare Program link to pop-up the Daycare Program Search page and then enter some criteria to select the daycare programs. The daycare program search results will be displayed on the Select Daycare Program page.

    2. From the Select Daycare Program page, select the daycare programs.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the daycare programs, you can select the daycare program in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Activity Filter

    1. Click the Activity link to pop-up the Activity Search page and then enter some criteria to select the activities. The activity search results will be displayed on the Select Activity page.

    2. From the Select Activity page, select the activities.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activities, you can select the activity in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Setup Activity Category Filter

    1. Click the Activity Category link to pop-up the Activity Category List page.

    2. From the Activity Category List page, select the activity categories.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activity categories, you can select the activity category in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


Statement Text

Enter in the Statement Text box the body of the statement if the customer account is not yet past due.


This text will be displayed in addition to the transaction details and amounts.

Overdue Statement Text

Enter in the Overdue Statement Text box the body of the statement if the customer account is already overdue.


This text will be displayed in addition to the transaction details and amounts.


Enter in the Message box the body of the message and show it on report.


Note: If you do not enter a message, the message area will not be displayed on the report.

Additional Text

Enter in the Additional Text box the body of additional text and show it on report.


Note: If you do not enter any text, the message area will not be displayed on the report.

Title for Statement

Enter in the Title for Statement box the statement title to appear on the printed report.


Note: If you do not enter any text, the statement title will display the default text "Customer Statement".

Print as Invoice

Select the Print as Invoice checkbox to enable the statement to be printed as an invoice.


Note: If the Print as Invoice checkbox is selected, the heading of statement will display as "Invoice" instead of "Customer Statement", and the contents of statement will remain to be the same.

Hide Credit Card Prompt Information?

Option to remove the prompts for credit card type, number, and expiry in the Payment information section of the report.

Report Module

Select the Report Module checkboxes to filter transaction charges from a choice of the following report modules.


The choices are: Registration, Daycare, Facilities, Membership, POS, and All others.

Include Zero Balance Accounts?

Select the Include Zero Balance Accounts? checkbox to include statements for customer accounts with a balance of zero.


Note: If the Include Zero Balance Accounts? checkbox is unchecked, only customer accounts with a non-zero balance will be included in the report.

Show Payment Schedule?

Select the Show Payment Schedule? checkbox to display the customer's payment plan schedule on the report.


Note: If the Show Payment Schedule? checkbox is unchecked, the payment schedule title and table will be hidden from view on the report.

Show Transactions since last Statement?

Select the Transactions since last Statement? checkbox to display only unreported data since the previous statement on the report.


Otherwise, the report includes all transactions during the period you specify under Transaction Date/Time.

Show Transactions based on Family?

Select the Transactions based on Family? checkbox to display transactions for the family associated with the customer you select in the Customer filter above.


Note: If the Transactions based on Family? checkbox is checked, the transaction data will be calculated on the sum of the individual members in the family.

Show Logo?

Select the Show Logo? checkbox to display the statement logo on the report.

Show Payment Information?

Select the Show Payment Information? checkbox to display details about customer payments due in the Payment Remittance section of the report.

Summary Report

To group the records in the report either by Transaction or by Receipt, select Summary Report:

Report Language

Select the required language for the report in the Report Language dropdown.


The available languages are English (default), Français and Español.

Output Type

Choose the option from the Output Type drop-down list to select the output type or format of the report, as selected from a predefined list.


The available output types are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, and Microsoft Excel.

Save Report Definition

    1. Enter in the Report Title box the desired report title.

    2. Click Save to save the report definition using the current report title entered. If the report title has been changed, the original report title will be replaced by the new one.

    3. Click Save As to save another version of the report definition using a different report title.

    4. Click Recall/Schedule on top of the page to access a previously saved report definition from the Report Definitions page.

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