Membership usage report

This report displays usage information of selected packages. This will list each individual usage of a package, including member name, pass number, and date and time of usage.


Reports > Inventory Reports > Membership Usage


Clicking the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button at the top of the page takes you to the Report Definitions page, where you can select a previously saved report definition.


Select any or all of the following filters for this report:

Set up Package Filter

    1. Click the Package link to pop-up the Package Search page and then enter some search criteria to search the packages. The package search results will be displayed on the Select Package List page.

    2. From the Select Package List page, select the packages.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the packages, you can select the package in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up Package Category Filter

    1. Click the Package Category link to pop-up the Package Category List page.

    2. From the Package Category List page, select the package categories.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the package categories, you can select the package category in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up Membership Usage Date Range Filter

    1. Click the calendar icon  beside the From box and select a Beginning Date for the membership usage from the pop-up calendar.

    2. Click the calendar icon beside the Through box and select an Ending Date for the membership usage from the pop-up calendar.

Set up Daily Range Filter

    1. Enter in the From box the Beginning Time for the membership usage in a daily time.

    2. Enter in the To box the Ending Time for the membership usage in a daily time.

Set up Membership Start Date Range Filter

    1. Click the calendar icon  beside the From box and select a Beginning Date for the membership start from the pop-up calendar.

    2. Click the calendar icon beside the Through box and select an Ending Date for the membership start from the pop-up calendar.

Set up Membership Expiration Date Range Filter

    1. Click the calendar icon  beside the From box and select a Beginning Date for the membership expiration from the pop-up calendar.

    2. Click the calendar icon  beside the Through box and select an Ending Date for the membership expiration from the pop-up calendar.

Set up Number of Usages Filter

    1. Enter in the From box the minimum number for the membership usage.

    2. Enter in the To box the maximum number for the membership usage.

Set up Member Filter

    1. Click the Member link to pop-up the Customer Search page and then enter some search criteria to search the customers. The customer search results will be displayed on the Select Customer List page.

    2. From the Select Customer List page, select the customers.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the customers, you can select the customer in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up Customer Type Filter

    1. Click the Customer Type link to pop-up the Customer Type List page.

    2. From the Customer Type List page, select the customer types.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the customer types, you can select the customer type in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up Customer City Filter

    1. Click the Customer City link to pop-up the City List page.

    2. From the City List page, select the cities.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the cities, you can select the city in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up Customer State Filter

    1. Click the Customer State link to pop-up the State List page.

    2. From the State List page, select the states.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the states, you can select the state in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up Customer Zip/Postal Code Filter

    1. Click the Customer Zip/Postal Code link to pop-up the Zip/Postal Code List page.

    2. From the Zip/Postal Code List page, select the zips/postal codes.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the zips/postal codes, you can select the zip/postal code size in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up Demographic Filter

    1. Click the Demographic link to pop-up the Demographic page.

    2. From the Demographic page, select the demographic items.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the demographic items, you can select the demographic item in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up Package Site Filter

    1. Click the Package Site link to pop-up the Site List page.

    2. From the Site List page, select the sites.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the sites, you can select the site in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up POS Product Filter

    1. Click the POS Product link to pop-up the POS Product Search page and then enter some search criteria to search the POS products. The POS products search results will be displayed on the Product List page.

    2. From the Product List page, select the products.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the products, you can select the product in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up Alternate Key Type Filter

    1. Click the Alternate Key Type link to pop-up the Alternate Key Type List page.

    2. From the Alternate Key Type List page, select the alternate key types.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the alternate key types, you can select the alternate key type in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Set up Entry Point Filter

    1. Click the Entry Point link to pop-up the Entry Point List page.

    2. From the Entry Point List page, select the entry points.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the entry points, you can select the entry point in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


Select Voided/Unvoided

Select one following option from the dropdown list.

Group Report By

Select one following option from the dropdown list to group the records.


Note: Since customers can belong to multiple demographic categories (which you select on a particular customer's Demographic List page), they may appear under numerous demographic headings if you group the report by Demographic. To see how many customers are included on the report without counting overlapping demographic categories, see the Total Unique Members count at the bottom of the report.

Summary Report

Select the Summary Report check box to produce either a summary report or a detailed report:


Select one residency status from the dropdown list to include the enrollees on the list:


Select one customer status from the dropdown list to filter the reports:

Passes to Show

Select the pass type from the dropdown list:

Show Check out Time?

Select the Show Check out Time? check box to display the dates and times when customers checked out of facilities, duration of stay and average duration.

Only Show Members still Checked-In?

Select the Only Show Members still Checked-In? check box to filter out all members still present in the facility (i.e. still checked-in).

Show Zero Scan?

Select Show Zero Scan to display members who have not scanned their membership passes (and thus are not using the facility). If you do not select this option, only members who have scanned their membership passes one or more times are displayed on the report.

Include Customer ID?

To display each customer's customer ID on the report, select Include Customer ID?


Note: This option is only available if you choose to Group Report by (see above):

Show Customer Alternate Keys?

To display all alternate keys that are linked to each customer on the report, select Show Customer Alternate Keys?


Note: This option is only available if you choose to Group Report by (see above):

Output Type

Choose the option from the Output Type drop-down list to select the output type or format of the report:

Note: If you want to export this report using a plain format and no subtotals so that you can easily manipulate the figures in a spreadsheet, select Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format).

Save Report Definition

    1. Enter in the Report Title box the desired report title.

    2. Click Save to save the report definition using the current report title entered. If the report title has been changed, the original report title will be replaced by the new one.

    3. Click Save As to save another version of the report definition using a different report title.

    4. Click Recall/Schedule on top of the page to access a previously saved report definition from the Report Definitions page.

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