This report displays membership information grouped by membership packages. This includes customer name, member number, pass number, membership expiration date, and any amount due on the account.
Clicking the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button at the top of the page takes you to the Report Definitions page, where you can select a previously saved report definition.
Click the Package link to pop-up the Package Search page and then enter some criteria to select the activities. The package search results will be displayed on the Select Package page.
From the Select Package page, select the packages.
Click Add All Selected. To remove the packages, you can select the package in the list box then click Remove at the right side.
Click the Package Category link to pop-up the Package Category List page.
From the Package Category List page, select the package categories.
Click Add All Selected. To remove the package categories, you can select the package category in the list box then click Remove at the right side.
Click the calendar
icon beside the From
box and select a Beginning Date
of the membership start date from the pop-up calendar.
Click the calendar
icon beside the To
box and select an Ending Date
of the membership start date from the pop-up calendar.
The Day of Week field beside the calendar icon will automatically be completed.
Click the calendar
icon beside the From
box and select a Beginning Date
of the membership expiration date from the pop-up calendar.
Click the calendar
icon beside the To
box and select an Ending Date
of the membership expiration date from the pop-up calendar.
The Day of Week field beside the calendar icon will automatically be completed.
Click the calendar
icon beside the From
box and select a Beginning Date
for the transaction from the pop-up calendar. Enter a specific
time in the text box on the right side of the calendar.
Click the calendar
icon beside the Through
box and select an Ending Date
for the transaction from the pop-up calendar. Enter a specific
time in the text box on the right side of the calendar.
The Day of Week field beside the calendar icon will automatically be completed.
Click the Member link to pop-up the Member Search page and then enter some criteria to select the members. The member search results will be displayed on the Select Member page.
From the Select Member page, select the members.
Click Add All Selected. To remove the members, you can select the member in the list box then click Remove at the right side.
Click the Customer Type link to pop-up the Customer Type List page.
From the Customer Type List page, select the customer types.
Click Add All Selected. To remove the customer types, you can select the customer type in the list box then click Remove at the right side.
Click the Customer City link to pop-up the Customer City List page.
From the Customer City List page, select the customer cities.
Click Add All Selected. To remove the customer cities, you can select the customer city in the list box then click Remove at the right side.
Click the Customer State link to pop-up the Customer State List page.
From the Customer State List page, select the customer states.
Click Add All Selected. To remove the customer states, you can select the customer state in the list box then click Remove at the right side.
Click the Customer Zip / Postal Code link to pop-up the Customer Zip / Postal Code List page.
From the Customer Zip / Postal Code List page, select the customer zips / postal codes.
Click Add All Selected. To remove the customer zips / postal codes, you can select the customer zip / postal code in the list box then click Remove at the right side.
Click the Demographic link to pop-up the Demographic List page.
From the Demographic List page, select the demographics.
Click Add All Selected. To remove the demographics, you can select the demographic in the list box then click Remove at the right side.
Click the Package Site link to pop-up the Package Site List page.
From the Package Site List page, select the package sites.
Click Add All Selected. To remove the package sites, you can select the package site in the list box then click Remove at the right side.
Select the Summary Report checkbox to produce a summary report. If the checkbox is not selected, a more detailed report will be produced with additional customer information such as address, age, gender, work and cell phone numbers, and residency status.
Choose one of the following options from the Residency drop-down list to only include enrollees on the list based on their residency status. The options include:
Active Residents (have current residency status)
Non-Residents (do not have residency status)
Expired Residents (have residency status, but it has expired)
All Customers
Choose one of the following options from the Retired drop-down list to filter reports by customer status. The options are:
All Customers - includes both retired and active customers
Exclude Retired - includes only active customers
Only Retired - includes only retired customers
Select the Primary Members Only checkbox to display only primary members in the report. These are the primary customers that the membership packages are assigned to. If this option is not selected, all members attached to the membership will be displayed, and (P) will be used to indicate the primary member.
Select the Renewable Packages Only checkbox to only include renewable packages in the report.
Choose one of the following options from the Membership Expiration Status drop-down list to include customers depending on the expiration status of their membership packages, as selected from the following options:
Any: Include all customers with current or expired memberships, or both.
Not Expired Memberships: Include only customers who have current memberships, and have no expired memberships. This includes only current customers in the report.
Expired Memberships: Include only customers who have both current and expired memberships. For example, a customer who has 2 memberships: one that is current, and one that is expired.
Only Expired Memberships: Include only customers who have expired memberships, and have no current memberships. This will include only past customers in the report.
To use this report to identify customers who will become ineligible for their current package within a specific date range, enter the date range here. If you enter a date range, the report will only include those customers who have membership packages that expire within the date range and whose age will exceed the maximum age for the membership package at the package's expiry.
Select the Show all Membership Custom Questions? checkbox to display the custom questions and customers' answers in the report.
Custom questions are used during the creation of a receipt to record additional information about customers with regards to that particular transaction.
Choose one of the following options from the Custom Question Text to Print drop-down list that you want to display on the report:
Full Question, OR
Title Only
Select the Print as Renewal Report? checkbox to run the report as a renewal report, listing customers and membership packages that may be renewed, including the renewal amounts.
Select the Show Incomplete Waivers Only? checkbox to display incomplete waivers in the activity on the roster. These are waivers that still require a customer's signature in order to be considered complete.
Select the Show Customer Alternate Keys? checkbox to include alternate keys and information relating to the alternate keys in the report.
To display the customers' date of birth in the report, click Show Customer DOB?
To display the customers' email address in the report, click Show Customer Email?
To show either the mailing address or the residential address for each customer in the report, select one of the following options:
Mailing Address: Show only the customer mailing address.
Residential Address: Show only the customer residential address.
Note: The Show Customer Address list will be disabled if the Summary Report option is selected.
Select the Overused Passes Only checkbox to include membership punch cards that have been used over the number of allotted punches in this report.
Choose the option from the Output Type drop-down list to select the output type or format of the report, as selected from a predefined list. The available output types are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, and Microsoft Excel.
Choose the option from the Sort by drop-down list to arrange report records as selected from a pre-defined list. The options include:
Package + Customer Name
Package + Membership Sell Date
Package + Membership Effective Date
Package + Membership Expiration Date
Click the Run Report button to generate the report.
Enter in the Report Title box the desired report title.
Click Save to save the report definition using the current report title entered. If the report title has been changed, the original report title will be replaced by the new one.
Click Save As to save another version of the report definition using a different report title.
Click Recall/Schedule on top of the page to access a previously saved report definition from the Report Definitions page.