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Setting up recurring payment

If your program is required to be paid repeatedly, you can set up recurring payments to bill registrants automatically according to a schedule. The billing start date is when the first payment starts, and the billing end date is when the last payment ends.

  1. On the Prices and discounts page, click Advanced options.
  2. Select the Recurring billing checkbox.
  3. Click the blue Recurring billing link and enter the following:
  4. Choose the Billing schedule either on the 1st of every month or 15th of every month.
  5. If you want to send email notifications to registrant in advance of billing, select the Send notification checkbox and specify how many days you want the email to be sent in advance.
  6. Select the Collect first payment at time of registration checkbox if you want to do so.
  7. To set different price for each group, clear the Same billing settings for all groups checkbox and then repeat the above steps to set up for each group.
  8. You can allow prorated billing so that when registrants purchase a product in the middle of the billing cycle, they pay the prorated price rather than the full price. To do so, in the Prorated section, click Yes.
    Note: For the recurring payments, proration only applies to the first period. Registrants are charged as normal for the subsequent payments.
  9. Define family discounts if required.
Note: If you register a swimmer prior to the start date, the swimmer won't be charged until the start date.

If you set up family discounts, the discounts apply to recurring payments.

If you set up discount coupons, the coupons are only applied to the initial payment but not the following recurring payments.