A/R transactions report

The A/R Transactions report lists the accounts receivable transactions for each customer in each revenue site. This report includes the customer name, receipt number, permit number (if applicable), transaction description, charge amount, payment amount, linked credit and balance (linked credit is subtracted from the total balance due).


    1. Go to Reports > Financial Reports > A/R Transactions.

    2. In the Filters section, specify the Customers, A/R Transaction Date, Revenue Site, Transaction Site, and/or any other details to filter the report, if necessary.

    3. In the Options section:

      1. To only include customers who have had no transactions since a given date, enter the date in the No transaction as of box.

      2. To calculate sub-totals for each revenue site, select Group by Revenue Site.

      3. To show only retired or non-retired customers in the report, select the appropriate option from the Retired list.

      4. To display columns for Revenue Account Name and Account # along with a grand total for revenue accounts at the bottom of the report, select Include Revenue GL Account.

      5. Select checkboxes corresponding to the Report Modules that you want to show charges for in the report.

      6. Select the report Output Type.

    4. Click Run Report.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Running the A/R aging report

Running the A/R statements

Running the A/R summary report


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