Adding or modifying a cash summary sheet layout

A cash summary sheet is a form that Front Desk users can use as part of the cash out process. The cash summary sheet lists payment types and/or denomination amounts so that front desk users can specify how much of each payment type or denomination is in the cash drawer at the end of their shifts.


A cash summary sheet layout is the template for these cash summary sheets. Set up the cash summary sheet layout to include only those payment types or denominations that you accept. You can have multiple cash summary sheet layouts if you have different workstations that accept different payment types. For example, if you have some workstations that accept credit cards and some that don't, then you should create one cash summary sheet layout that includes credit cards and one that doesn't.


    1. Go to Administration > Financial Settings > Cash Summary Sheet Layout.

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. Enter the Name of the cash summary sheet layout.

    4. Specify the Payment Types that this cash summary sheet layout includes.

    5. If this cash summary sheet layout includes Cash, specify the cash Denominations that it includes.

    6. (Optional) To use deposit slip numbers on the Cash Summary Sheet to manage cash flow and organizations’ bank deposit accounts, select Require Deposit Slip Number.

    7. To automatically post an over/short journal entry to a specific GL account when you are resetting a cash summary sheet that has an over/short amount:

      1. In the Over/Short Journal Entry section, select Record Over/Short Journal Entry.

      2. Select a Credit Account to post to when a cash summary sheet has an over amount.

      3. Select a Debit Account to post to when a cash summary sheet has an over amount (select a payment account).

      4. Select a Credit Account to post to when a cash summary sheet has a short amount (select a payment account).

      5. Select a Debit Account to post to when a cash summary sheet has a short amount.

    8. Click Save.

Related topics

Overview of cash summary sheets

Adding or modifying a denomination

Entering cash drawer totals into a cash summary sheet

Configuring financial settings


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