Financial configuration

Use the Financial Configuration page to determine default settings for all of the accounting transactions that occur in your business.


Note that if the option to accept electronic check or EFT payments is not available; please contact your account manager to find out more about licensing.


If your organization is exempt from having to absorb transaction fees and is free to pass additional surcharges or convenience fees to your consumers, then to enable this passing AUI credit card surcharges (processing fees) to consumers feature for your organization, please contact your ACTIVE Net Account Manager.

Go to section

Financial Options

Receipt Options

Rejected ECP Fee

Interest Changes

Late Fees

Auto Renewal / Payments

Auto Payment Email

Credit Card Processing

Electronic Check Options

Merchant Account / Payment Processor Settings

Failed Scheduled Payments Notification

Expense Settings

Penny Rounding

Print Options

Drop-In Customer Credit and Debit Card Transactions


    1. Go to Administration > Financial Settings > Configuration.

    2. Modify options according to the descriptions below.

    3. Click Save.

Modifying financial settings

Name of Field Type Description

Financial Options

General Settings:

Default Payment Frequency
From the dropdown list, select the default payment frequency for on-the-fly payment plans (created during a transaction, rather than existing payment plans) associated with transactions on the staff interface:
  • Weekly

  • Every other week

  • Twice a month

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Every four weeks

Note: You can override the default payment frequency for individual sites.
Allow retention of outstanding balances after withdrawal Checkbox (System-level setting) Select to allow the option to keep outstanding fees (activities, memberships or daycare) if you withdraw or transfer a customer from an activity after the refund period ends.
Allow retention of refund amount without withdrawal Checkbox Select this option to allow users to specify a refund amount (all or part of the original transaction amount), and not withdraw from the activity.
Post tax to revenue when payment is due or collected Checkbox This option affects tax postings in situations where payment either comes due or is paid before revenue is posted.
If you want tax to be posted either when payment is received or when the payment comes due (whichever comes first) even if it is before revenue is recognized, select this option. For example, if you use deferred revenue and take a payment on a transaction before the event begins, tax is recognized at the time you take the payment while revenue is recognized according to your deferred revenue settings.
If you want tax to be posted at the same time as revenue, disable this option.
Limit the payer to be a family member or an associated organization Checkbox

If it is checked, staff users can only add a new family member, select an existing family member or select an associated organization to be the payer.

If it is unchecked, staff users can select any customer or organization to be the payer.

Run Cash Out Process Based on: Radio buttons Choose how you want to run the cash out process:
  • Date: When you run the cash out process, ACTIVE Net processes all unprocessed transactions for the workstation since the last cash out occurred.

  • Cash Summary Sheet: Enables cash summary sheet functionality and causes each transaction to be associated with a cash summary sheet. When you run the cash out process, you select which cash summary sheets you want to reset. ACTIVE Net processes all transactions that are included in the cash summary sheets that you have selected.

Refund Settings:

Select Refund Policy:

Radio buttons

Process refund instantly: To allow staff users to perform customer refunds immediately to specific payment types, select this option.


Allow request a refund only: To use a process of refund requests instead of immediate refunds, select this option. Only refunds to account are allowed immediately. In order to issue a customer refund to a specific payment type, staff users must submit a refund request. A supervisor must approve the refund request in order to process the refund.


This option is system-wide and is applied to all withdrawals, cancellations, and refund processes.


This option does not affect refunds of POS products, which can always be refunded immediately.

By default request refund when refunding to account


To select the Request Refund checkbox on the receipt refund page by default, select this option.


This option is only active if the Refund Policy option above is set to Allow request a refund only.

Enable approval process for refund requests


To set the initial status of all refund requests to Pending, select this option. Only approved requests will be processed.


To allow all refund requests to be processed without approval, disable this option.


This option is only active if the Refund Policy option above is set to Allow request a refund only.

Allow user to refund immediately if the amount is not greater than


To allow immediate refunds if the refunds are below or equal to a specific amount but not if they are above that amount, specify the amount in this box.


To specify that immediate refunds are never allowed no matter how small the refund amount is, enter $0.


This option is only active if the Refund Policy option above is set to Allow request a refund only.

Allow cash refunds


Option to determine if you allow cash refunds.

If this checkbox is not selected the cash option will not be available from the Refund Transaction Detail form.

Allow specifying prorated refund date Checkbox When processing a refund, this option allows staff users to specify a date after which to refund an activity and prorate the refund accordingly (instead of only refunding for activity meetings after the current date).
Days before refunding checks Numeric Number of days after a transaction before a check can be refunded.
Example, if set to 3, check payments can only be refunded 3 days after a transaction.
Days before refunding credit cards Numeric Number of days after a transaction before a credit card can be refunded.
For example, if set to 3, credit card payments can only be refunded 3 days after a transaction.
Default refund type for Mass Refund Dropdown List Select a refund type from the dropdown list to configure the default refund type for mass refund registration at the system level:
  • By Check

  • To Account

Allow Refund to be Issued to: Radio buttons To prevent users from refunding transactions to customers other than the original payer, select Only the Original Payer(s).
Otherwise, to allow users to refund to any customer, select Anyone.
Note: This setting does not affect refunds in POS, registration mass refunds, or refunds from account.
“Front Desk: Registration/Membership/Daycare - Override Fees" permission is only required for manual changes to calculated refund amounts Checkbox Select to allow staff users without the Front Desk: Registration/Membership/Daycare - Override Fees permission to change the Front Desk > Refund/Withdraw Transaction workflow > Withdrawal Date.

Revenue Site:

Assign Revenue Site by GL Account, Charge then Service-Related Site (in the order) Checkbox Select this check box to assign revenue site in the following priority:
  • GL account

  • Charge

  • Service-related site

Deferred Revenue:

Use ______ as deferral date for un-booked private lessons Dropdown list Select a date to use as the deferral date for revenue for un-booked private lessons:
  • Last Date of Activity

  • Last Date of Term

  • Last Date of Season

  • Last Date of Fiscal Year

If a customer cancels a private lesson (and has not yet booked a make-up lesson), the revenue is transferred to the deferred revenue account and is recognized on the day you select here.
Modify Payment Plan on Re-Schedule Checkbox To automatically adjust the existing payment plan when private lessons are rescheduled, select this option.

Allow Payment: (set the allowable payment methods at the organization level)

with a Credit Memo Checkbox Option to allow payment with a credit memo on the admin site (never allowed on the customer site). 
If this option is deselected, payment with a credit memo will not be available on the Receipt Payment Form.
with Payment Plan? Checkbox Option to allow payment plan creation on the admin site (never allowed on the customer site). 
If this option is deselected, payment plan creation will not be available on the Receipt Payment Form.
by Cash Checkbox Select this option to allow cash payments on the admin (staff) site.
with Change Calculation Checkbox Option to calculate change when customers pay more cash than is due at the front desk.
The change amount will print on the receipt.

by Electronic Check - staff


Option to allow staff to enter receipt payments using a new "Electronic Check" payment type.

by Electronic Check - public


Option to allow online customers to enter electronic check information as an alternative to credit card information when making an online payment.


This works for both one-time payments as well as for any payment plans that have been made available online.

On Permits:

Show Custom questions & answers Checkbox Option to show custom questions and customer answers on facility permits.

Show Permit Administrator

Checkbox Option to show the name of the permit administrator on facility permits.
The permit administrator is the staff representative who is primarily responsible for communication with the permit's customers.
Show Payment plan Checkbox Select this option to display the scheduled payment plan details on the permit (including due dates and balances).
Note: When you select this option, the payment plan details appear in a new section
Group Schedules by dates Checkbox

If checked, the permit contract lists all rentals grouped by each single reservation date, listing the booked resources for that day and detailed information for each booked resources.

If unchecked, the permit shall be permits grouped all rentals by facility.

It is unchecked by default.

Contract Amendments Checkbox

If checked, when a permit is modified, ACTIVE Net will outline the change in Contract Amendment section on the permit called. Modification that will be displayed as contract amendments only include facility related attributes, such as facility, date, time, duration, equipment and event type.

It is unchecked by default.


Allow Checkbox Option to allow donations to be made on the admin site during transactions.
Allow drop-in donations Checkbox Option to allow donations to be made on the admin site for drop-in customers.
To display this setting, the Allow checkbox must be enabled.

Allow online


Option to allow donations to be made on the customer (public access) site during transactions.


Multi-person require different people?


Option to require that different people be enrolled in programs or activities to qualify for the multi-person charge or discount.


If this option is deselected, the same customer can be enrolled in different activities or programs and receive the charge or discount.

Multi-person require same person?


Option to require that the same person be enrolled in programs or activities to qualify for the multi-person charge or discount.


If this option is deselected, different customers can be enrolled in programs or activities and receive the charge or discount.

Show Valid Customer Coupons During:

Staff enrollment


Option to display valid customer coupons during enrollment on the staff site.


If this option is selected, a dropdown list will be displayed in the Coupons section of the Activity Enrollment page.


Note that there needs to be coupons attached to the activity for this dropdown list to appear.

Public enrollment


Option to display valid customer coupons during enrollment on the customer (public access) site.


Use Enhanced Scholarship Process


To enable the following functionality related to the scholarship application and approval process, select this option:


  • The Define Eligibility Rules (Only for Application Process) section on the scholarship maintenance page.

  • The Custom Question (Only for Application Process) section on the scholarship maintenance page.

  • The View Scholarship Application section on the Customer Scholarship page.

  • The View Application column on the Customer Scholarship page.

  • The Process Scholarship Application menu link in the Front Desk > Financial menu.

Receipt Options

On All Receipts Show:

Employee ID


To display the logged-in staff member's employee ID number on receipts, invoices and permits rather than their login name, select this option.


To edit the staff member's employee ID, see System Users.


This option also applies to the Facility Management module. If this setting is enabled, then Facility Management module receipts display employee IDs instead of system user names.

Fee description


  • To display descriptions of charges on receipts, select this checkbox.

  • To omit charge descriptions, clear this checkbox.

Fee detail


Option to have the fee breakdown show on a customer’s receipt (Charge Item, Unit, Quantity, and Unit Fee).


If this checkbox is not selected the total cost for a transaction will show as a single amount. It will not be split into the individual charges.

For example: If a client registers in a Pottery course with a $20 registration charge and $15 supplies charge the receipt would not break out these charges unless the checkbox is selected.

Custom questions & answers Checkbox Option to show custom questions and customer answers on receipts.
Organization address for authorized agent Checkbox Option to show address for the authorized agent.
Enrollee Address Checkbox Option to show enrollees’ addresses and phone numbers.
Payment Type Radio buttons To only display the payment types that the customer has used for each receipt, select Only the payment types used by customer.
To display all available payment types on each receipt (whether or not the customer has used them to pay for the receipt's transactions), select All payment types.
Select the Font Size for the Transaction area text:
  • Standard - same font size as other text on the receipt.

  • Smaller - one font size smaller than other text on the receipt.

On Registration Receipts Show:

Registration effective date


Option to show or hide the registration effective date on receipts for registrations.
Activity meeting dates and times (or date description)


Option to show or hide the activity meeting dates and times on receipts for registrations.
Activity location (or location description)


Option to show or hide the activity location on receipts for registrations.
Private lesson bookings


Option to show or hide private lesson bookings on receipts for registrations.
Customer notes


Option to show or hide customer notes on receipts for registrations.
Receipt text


Option to show or hide the receipt text on receipts for registrations.
Note: The receipt text refers to the text entered on the Receipt Text page.
Show modification on registration as:

Radio buttons

Option to specify which dates to display on receipts for enrollment modifications:
  • To show all the original dates in addition to the modified dates, select Entire new record with the old record.

  • To show only the dates that were modified, select Only show the actual modified details.

Rejected ECP Fee

Use this section to set up a rejected ECP fee in ACTIVE Net, so that ACTIVE Net can automatically charge a customer for a declined Electronic Check Payment.


For example, the rejected ECP fee can be used to recoup the Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) fee charged by your bank when you attempt to process a customer's Electronic Check Payment but the customer has insufficient funds in their account to make the payment.

Rejected ECP Fee Amount

Numeric Enter the amount of the rejected ECP fee (between 0 and 999.99).
Default GL Account Dropdown list

Select the default GL account for the rejected ECP fee from the list of non-system GL accounts.

Auto apply Rejected ECP Fee?

Checkbox To automatically apply the rejected ECP fee specified above to customer accounts when their payments are declined (for example, due to insufficient funds), select this check box.


Leave this option unselected if you do not want ACTIVE Net to automatically apply rejected ECP fees to customer accounts.

Interest Charges

Charge interest on overdue amounts? For customers Checkbox Option to charge interest from customers for overdue amounts.
If selected, interest calculations will be automatically run each month, and interest will be calculated based on a specified interest rate.
Interest calculations are charged after 30 days and a specified grace period.
Interest charges are placed on a payment plan that is due immediately, and is automatically added to a customer’s account.
Charge interest on overdue amounts? For Organizations on payment plans created since [date] Checkbox and date Option to charge interest from organizations for overdue amounts.
If selected, interest calculations will be automatically run each month, and interest will be calculated based on a specified interest rate.
Interest calculations are charged after 30 days and a specified grace period.
Interest charges are placed on a payment plan that is due immediately, and is automatically added to a customer’s account.
To prevent the unexpected charging of interest on all overdue organization payment plans, only charge interest on payment plans created after a cut-off date, (defaults to the date on which the checkbox was selected, but can be edited to any past or future date).
Grace period (days) Numeric Number of days grace period given to a customer after an amount is overdue by 30 days before interest is charged.
For example, an amount due on Sept.1 will be charged interest starting Oct. 11 if the grace period is 10 days (30 days overdue + 10 days grace period).
Interest rate (%monthly) Numeric Interest rate percentage to charge for overdue amounts.
Run interest calculations monthly on Numeric Day of month when interest calculations will be run automatically.
For example: 1 means 1st day of each month.
System User Dropdown list System user ID that will be appear on transaction records for interest charges.
GL Account Dropdown list General ledger account where interest charges are credited.

Late Fees

Use this section to configure late fees for overdue amounts.
To configure late fees:
  1. Click Charge Late Fee on Overdue Amounts.

  2. Complete any or all of the following criteria:

    • Grace Period (Days): Enter the number of days allowed after the due date, before a late fee is charged.

    • Charge late fee if customer owes X or more: Enter the minimum overdue amount for the customer to be charged a late fee.

    • Run Late Fee Calculation Monthly on: To automatically calculate and charge late fees each month, enter the day of the month to run the calculation.

    • Base Charge: From the dropdown list, select the baseline charge for late fees.

    • G/L Account: Select the G/L account to credit late fees to.

  1. Select the fee type. Do one of the following:

    • To select a fixed amount, under the Type of Fee dropdown list, select Fixed Amount. Then enter the Fixed Amount in the text field.

    • To select a percentage, under the Type of Fee dropdown list, select Percentage. Then enter the Percentage in the text field.

  1. From the dropdown list, select a System User. The user's ID appears on transaction records.

  2. Select who you want to charge late fees to. From the dropdown list, you can select to Charge Late Fee once per:

    • Family, OR

    • Customer

  1. (Optional) Select who to exempt from late fees. You can exempt specific customers or customer types. In the Customers exempt from Late fee subsection:

    • To exempt one or more customers, click the Customer link. In the Customer pop-up window, search for and select one or more customers.

    • To exempt one or more customer types, click the Customer Type link. In the Customer Type pop-up window, search for and select one or more customer types.

Auto Renewal/Payments

Auto Renewal Lead Time (days) Numeric For auto renewal of membership packages, all packages that are set to expire within this number of days will be selected.

For example: if lead time is 7, then all packages expiring within 7 days that are set for auto-renewal will be selected.
Note: You can use a negative lead time to specify that membership auto-renewals will include memberships that have already expired within a given number of days.
Auto Payment Lead Time (days) Numeric For auto payment of payment plans, all payments that are set to be charged within this number of days will be selected.
System User Dropdown list System user ID that will appear on receipts of auto-renewal and payment transactions.

(Public) Require backup form of payment for automated billing? Optional for staff transactions.

To ensure that automated billing for customers is processed, you can attach a second form of payment for automated billing to the customer.
ACTIVE Netuses the second payment method if the first one fails.


Select this option to require customers to specify a backup payment method for automated billing for transactions through the public interface.


The A BACKUP FORM OF PAYMENT IS OPTIONAL FOR AUTOMATED BILLING link is added to customer records where system will refer to that backup form of payment for automated billing in case of the failure of the first payment for automated billing.

  • You can enter or modify information associated with Backup Form of Payment for Automated Billing in the Automatic Payment Plan section when signing up for daycare, membership, activities, or automatic payments, etc.

  • Backup payment methods are optional for transactions through the staff interface.

Payment Plan Notification Email

Auto Payment Notification Email:

Email on successful payment Checkbox Option to automatically email a customer when an automatic payment transaction has been processed successfully.


Click the Change Email Details link to change email information.

Email on payment failure Checkbox Option to automatically email a customer when an automatic payment transaction fails to process successfully.


Click the Change Email Details link to change email information.

Non-auto Payment reminder Email:

Send Payment Reminder Email Checkbox Option to automatically email a customer when there is an upcoming payment to process.


Click the Change Email Details link to change email information.

Credit Card Options

Allow refund to any credit card?
Select this option to provide the customer with the list of previously used credit cards when selecting a payment type for refund.


When Allow Refund to Any Credit Card is enabled:

  • If the original transaction used a credit card, you can refund to any credit card if you have the Front Desk: Refund - Refund To Any Credit Card profile.

  • If the original transaction didn’t use a credit card, you can refund to any credit card if you have the Front Desk: Refund - Always allow refund to CC profile.

  • To prohibit the total credit card refund amount from exceeding the amount originally paid by credit card, select the Credit Card Refund Cannot Exceed Credit Card Paid Amount in AUI New Reservation Workflow checkbox.


When Allow Refund to Any Credit Card is disabled:

  • If the original transaction used a credit card, you can only refund to the to the original credit card. The credit card fields are prefilled with the information for the original credit card, but are read-only.

  • If the original transaction used multiple credit card payments, you can select one of the original credit cards from a list as the card to issue the refund to. The credit card entry fields are read-only.

  • If the original transaction didn’t use a credit card, you cannot refund to any credit card. The credit card fields are hidden.

Show prior credit cards on receipt payment?


Option to provide the customer with the list of previously saved credit cards (showing only partial number) when selecting a payment type for payment.

Show Prior Credit Cards on Automatic Payment Plan?


Select this option to specify that whenever creating an automatic payment plan by credit card, a saved credit cards list will be shown, including all previously saved credit cards.

Electronic Check Options

Show Prior Electronic Checks on Receipt Payment?


When this checkbox is selected, customers who make electronic check payments have the option to select an electronic check to use from a list of previously-saved electronic checks. If they are entering a new electronic check number, they have the option to save this number for future use.
This option can save time during the payment process by giving customers the option to save and reuse their electronic check details rather than reentering them for every electronic check payment.

Show Prior Electronic Checks on Automatic Payment Plan?


When this checkbox is selected, customers who create automatic payment plans using electronic checks have the option to select an electronic check to use from a list of previously-saved electronic checks. If they are entering a new electronic check number, they have the option to save this number for future use.
This option can save time during the process of creating automatic payment plans by giving customers the option to save and reuse their electronic check details rather than reentering them for every payment plan.

Merchant Account / Payment Processor Settings

Use this section to manage information for credit card processing software (user names, addresses, passwords, etc.).

Note: When Chase Paymentech is selected for the Payment Processor, the Merchant Phone field is enabled for users to enter a phone number (up to 13 digits) for the site-specific merchant.

Merchant Name


Option to assign a site-specific merchant name.

If this option is selected, any transaction performed at this site will display the site name on all of it's receipts.

Delay Capture Window (hours)


Use this function to specify the number of additional hours AMS (the credit card processing system) waits between authorizing transactions and capturing transactions (actual sale).

If you void a charge before it is captured, then there is no sale, and the authorization expires.
Note: There is a 2 hour capture window (buffer) built-in to AMS. The number of hours you enter here are additional, to create a longer capture window.
Merchant Uses Private Encryption Key Alias Checkbox Organizations which use their own AMS encryption keys for encrypting credit card information can enable selection of a specific encryption key using an encryption key alias by selecting this checkbox.
Verify ECP Account Checkbox Select this option if you want ACTIVE Net to automatically connect with AMS to verify that ECP account information is correct whenever a new wallet ID is generated for an ECP payment. If the ECP account information is incorrect, then an error message displays.
ECP User Name Text If your organization uses a separate account to process ECP payments, then enter an ECP user name. Most organizations can leave this field blank: in this case ACTIVE Net uses the same account to process both credit card and ECP payments.
ECP Password Text If your organization uses a separate account to process ECP payments, then enter an ECP password. Most organizations can leave this field blank: in this case ACTIVE Net uses the same account to process both credit card and ECP payments.

Failed Scheduled Payments Notification

To email specific system users when a scheduled payment is rejected or declined:

  1. Select the system user to email in the Available list.

  2. Click the >> (right arrow) button to move the system user to the Selected Users to Notify list.


When scheduled payments are either rejected or declined, ACTIVE Net does not attempt to retry the payment. ACTIVE Net sends an email to the system users in the Selected Users to Notify list.


The email directs the recipient to review the list of failed scheduled payments at Front Desk > Financial > Manage Failed Scheduled Payments.


Note: Ensure that the users you put in the Selected Users to Notify list all have the Front Desk: Financial - Credit Card Log system user profile, otherwise they will not be able to access the Manage Failed Scheduled Payments page.

Expense Settings

Allow Posting of Expenses to Sub-Ledger?


Select this option to allow pending expenses to be posted to sub-ledger.


For more information, see Post Pending Expenses to Sub-Ledger.


Tip: If your payroll system does not already report payroll expenses to the general ledger, select this option.

Default Expense Account (Debit)

Dropdown list

GL account marked as expense type to be posted to sub-ledger, as selected from a predefined list.


When one expense account is debited, then another expense clearing account must be credited, allowing for a total to be equalled.

Default Expense Clearing Account (Credit)

Dropdown list

GL account marked as the liability type to be posted to sub-ledger, as selected from a predefined list.


When one expense clearing is credited, then another expense account must be debited, allowing for a total to be equalled.

Earliest Expense Date to Post


The earliest date of the expense to post in the list; entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.

Penny Rounding

Round Cash Payments

Radio buttons

Select one of the following options for cash rounding:

  • No rounding: No cash payment rounding will take place.

  • Nearest(5 down): Cash payments will be rounded to the nearest amount selected in the Round Cash Payments To option below. Payment amounts that are halfway between the two nearest amounts will round down. For example: If you round to the nearest 0.10 then an amount of 1.04 will round to 1.00, 1.07 will round to 1.10, and 1.05 will round down to 1.00 because it is halfway between 1.00 and 1.10.

  • Nearest(5 up): Cash payments will be rounded to the nearest amount selected in the Round Cash Payments To option below. Payment amounts that are halfway between the two nearest amounts will round up. For example: If you round to the nearest 0.10 then an amount of 1.04 will round to 1.00, 1.07 will round to 1.10, and 1.05 will round up to 1.10 because it is halfway between 1.00 and 1.10.

  • Always up: Cash payments will be rounded up to the nearest amount selected in the Round Cash Payments To option below. For example: If you round to the nearest 0.10 then amounts of 1.04, 1.07, and 1.05 will all round up to 1.10.

  • Always down: Cash payments will be rounded down to the nearest amount selected in the Round Cash Payments To option below. For example: If you round to the nearest 0.10 then amounts of 1.04, 1.07, and 1.05 will all round down to 1.00.

Round Cash Payments To

Radio buttons

Select the amount to use for rounding cash payments.

Print Options

Auto-print receipts?


Option to automatically print a receipt for each new transaction.

Auto-print permits?


Option to automatically print a copy of the permit for each new reservation.

Drop-In Customer Credit and Debit Card Transactions

Limit Drop-in Customer Credit / Debit Card Payment Amount?


Set this checkbox to enable a maximum amount for drop-in customer bank card transactions to limit losses for undeposited/revoked transactions.

Maximum Allowed Credit / Debit Card Payment Amount for Drop-In Customer


Set a maximum amount for drop-in customer bank card payments to limit losses for undeposited/revoked transactions.


On the Email Details for Successful Auto Payments or Email Details for Failed Auto Payments page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description
Name From Text Name of the person or organization sending the email.
Address From Text Email address of the person or organization sending the email.
Bcc Text Enter Blind Carbon Copy email addresses (i.e. those that are hidden when customers receive the email)
Subject Text Text Text that appears in the Subject line of the email.
Opening Body Text Text Text that appears in the first part of the body of the email.
Include Payment Details Checkbox Option to include payment details in the email.
If selected, payment details are displayed after the Opening Body Text.
Closing Body Text Text Text that appears in the last part of the body of the email.

On the Send Payment Reminder Email page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description
Subject Text Text Text that appears in the Subject line of the email.
Body Text Text Text that appears as the body of the email.
Include online account access link Checkbox Option to include a hyperlink to customer account in the email.

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