Configuring third party billing for a customer

Use the Third Party Billing page to view and modify third party billing details for a specific customer.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Search for and select a customer.

    3. On the Customer Account Functions page, click Change Third Party Billing.

    4. Choose one of the following:

    5. On the Change Third Party Billing page, select a company that can make payments on behalf of this customer.

    6. In the Approved Date box, enter the date that this third party billing arrangement was approved.

    7. In the Effective Date box, enter the date when the Third Party Payer can begin making payments for this customer.

    8. Select a Duration to specify the length of time after the effective date that the Third Party Payer can continue making payments for this customer.

    9. Note: To allow third party billing to continue indefinitely, click None.

    10. If there is a limit to the amount that this customer can receive from the Third Party Payer, specify it in the Amount of Support subsection.

    11. Note: If the customer can receive an unlimited amount from the Third Party Payer, leave the Amount of Support subsection blank.

    12. If this customer's eligibility to receive funds from the Third Party Payer needs to be reviewed periodically:

      1. Select The eligibility needs to be reviewed?

      2. Select a Review Period.

    13. Click Save.

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Adding or modifying a customer


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