What do you want to do?

If you don't see the task that you want to do in the list of links below, try using the table of contents on the left to browse to it. You can also click Search to do a text search of all Help topics.

Change customer name and other details

Change customer details

Change customer address

Change alternate keys

Change family details

Change extra details

Change customer note / alert

Change customer third party billing

View or modify customer lists

Change customer demographics

Change interest list

Change customer skills

List authorized pickups for customer

List awards for customer

List custom questions for customer

View financial information

View customer account balance

Request a refund for a customer

Pay on customer account

Adjust customer balance

Transfer customer balance

View customer credit cards

View customer scholarships

List customer payment setup

Manage linked credit

Manage backup payment

View transactions and schedules

List activity grades

List checklist transactions

List customer coupons

List family schedule

List reserved lockers

List scheduled refunds

Perform customer actions

Merge two customers

Show like customers

Start a new receipt

Verify customer identity

Suspend customer transactions

Set default membership for check-in

View customer history

View customer ledger

View customer history